Awakening: Russia allegedly staged attack in Transnistria Predicting climate change is becoming more difficult

Awakening Russia allegedly staged attack in Transnistria Predicting climate change

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

Deutsche Welle: Russia extends tensions to Transnistria in Moldova

According to the Moldovan administration quoted by Deutsche Welle, Russia is trying to create unrest in the Transnistrian separatist region of Moldova. In pro-Russian Transnistria, grenades were thrown at the building of the region’s own security authorities yesterday. According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russia staged an attack and is trying to pull the region into war, says the online newspaper Kyiv Independent.

The 76-year-old activist has been opposed to Putin for twenty years

The future of climate change is more difficult to predict without Russia

Russia’s complete break with the West has made predicting climate change much more difficult. Climate change is advancing fastest in the Arctic, half of which is in Russia. The breakdown of research cooperation means that Russia will not receive measurement data on, for example, the melting of permafrost, temperatures or the thickness of sea ice.

There is a desire to get rid of “forced religion” in high school education

The study group also proposes that high school students belonging to religious denominations be given the opportunity to study life view information. In addition, there is a desire to combine the teaching of school spectacles because society is diversified. In practice, this would mean that a high school student belonging to a religion could, if they so wished, study life-vision information instead of religion.

The weather is getting colder all over the country

The rainfall recedes over the northern part of the country to the east. In the eastern part of Kainuu, it may still get a little snow on Tuesday afternoon. The colder air flows from the north, and the temperature in the north remains a little frosty during the day and in a large part of the country only a few degrees. The warmest and sunniest is still in the south.
