Installing an alarm yourself is a good idea, but a bad installation can make it useless. Placement, configuration, standards: This is why calling on a professional is essential.

Installing an alarm yourself is a good idea but a

Installing an alarm yourself is a good idea, but a bad installation can make it useless. Placement, configuration, standards: This is why calling on a professional is essential.

In 2023, according to the statistical assessment “insecurity and delinquency”, France recorded 217,100 burglaries in main and secondary residences, an increase of 3 % compared to the previous year. This represents approximately 595 breakouts per day, or one every 2 minutes and 25 seconds. And the trend does not reverse: in 2024, according to the statistics of delinquency for 2024 of the Ministry of the Interior, there is an increase of 1 % of burglaries on the first semester. Large cities are particularly affected, with up to 7.8 burglaries for 1,000 dwellings. These figures should push us to seriously think about the safety of our homes.

Faced with this very real threat, the installation of an alarm system is an increasingly popular solution. Beyond the simple equipment, the way in which the alarm is posed and configured plays a decisive role in its effectiveness. Many believe that they can manage this installation themselves, encouraged by the apparent simplicity of wireless systems or ready-to-use kits. But behind this accessibility hides underestimated risks: a poorly positioned, poorly configured alarm or simply poorly chosen equipment can considerably reduce the reaction time for remote monitoring, or even sometimes prove to be ineffective in the event of intrusion.

Self-installing traps: a false good idea

Installing your own alarm may seem like a practical and economical option. After all, many models today offer detailed installation guides and promise a simplified implementation. But in reality, security is not just about sticking a detector on a wall and connecting a mobile application to its alarm power plant. Each house is different and presents its own vulnerabilities: some access is more exposed than others, certain parts require reinforced protection and it is also necessary to take into account the dead angles and the potential obstacles which can hinder the efficiency of detectors.

The positioning of the sensors is often the first point of failure. A poorly placed alarm may not cover sensitive areas, forget some or, on the contrary, generate untimely triggers because of reflections, domestic animal movements or exposure to the sun. An incorrect configuration can also be a problem: poor adjustment of sensitivity or automatic activation thresholds can prevent the alarm from triggering at the right time.

Finally, the management of the after-sales service and maintenance represents another constraint. An auto-installed system does not always benefit from a follow-up in the event of a breakdown or malfunction. When the alarm ceases to operate for no apparent reason, or that a detector no longer reacts, the user finds himself alone in the face of the problem, without immediate technical support. In some cases, the after-sales service is subcontracted, which can lead to extended intervention times or insufficient quality of service. However, a non -operational alarm, even temporarily, means a vulnerable house.

Professional installation: the guarantee of optimal protection

To entrust the installation of its alarm to a professional is above all to ensure that each security detector is Placépour meet the specific needs of the home. A safety professional is able to identify risk areas and recommend the most suitable equipment. It is not simply a question of placing an alarm, but of designing a coherent and effective device according to the configuration of the location to be protected. A well thought out system offers optimal protection without dead angles and without untimely triggers.

The intervention of a qualified installer also ensures the compliance of the system to the safety standards in force, in particular those required by insurance. An alarm, placed by a security professional can reduce insurance premiums and facilitate compensation in the event of burglary or fire. It is an investment which, in the long term, can be profitable.

Beyond the installation itself, choosing a professional solution allows you to benefit from regular technical monitoring. A well -maintained alarm, with updates and regular checks, retains its efficiency year after year. In the event of a breakdown, a dedicated team intervenes quickly to avoid any period of system inactivity, thus guaranteeing continuous protection of yourdomicile.

Another major asset of a professional alarm lies in its connection to a remote monitoring center. Unlike conventional alarms that are content to issue a mermaid or send a notification to smartphone, an alarm connected to a remote monitoring center allows a rapid reaction in the event of intrusion. At Sector Alarm, for example, operators (CNAPS certified) treat alerts in less than 20 seconds*, assessing the situation and immediately preventing the police via a reserved number or firefighters if necessary. This ultra-reproductive period can make all the difference between a simple trigger and an effective intervention which prevents burglary.

Finally, the installation by a professional often makes it possible to integrate the alarm into a wider home automation ecosystem. Modern solutions make it possible to associate the alarm with smoke detectors, flood detectors and even connected sockets which allow for example to manage your lighting, to simulate a presence in the event of prolonged absence.

Secure your home, a choice not to be left at random

In a context where the number of burglaries continues to increase, secure your home has become more than an option. But an ill -installed alarm is an ineffective alarm and a simple forgetfulness in the configuration may be enough to make it useless. This is why to call on a professional is the best way to guarantee optimal protection, without zones of vulnerable or unpleasant surprises.

For those who wish to be reliable, efficient and adapted to their home, the Sector Alarm solutions offer complete protection, from security audit to intervention in the event of alert. To secure your accommodation is also to choose serenity, based on specialists capable of ensuring flawless protection.

Discover Sector Alarm solutions

*Average response time measured between receipt of the alarm and the first action of our operator for priority alarms (fire detection, persons and intrusion detection alarms) over the last 12 months.
