François Bayrou settles his accounts on Betharram, Gérald Darmanin is not afraid of the “Retailleau symptom” – L’Express

Francois Bayrou settles his accounts on Betharram Gerald Darmanin is

It’s crazy as the dissolution really clarified everything! This second five -year period is definitely no other. The Attal government had not already lasted long, and now Michel Barnier is overthrown by a censorship motion three months after his appointment. François Bayrou is found in Matignon, but the crisis never ends, political life enters the unpublished.

New Caledonia returns to Matignon

Emmanuel Macron had regained his hand on the follow -up of New Caledonia, which had long been followed by Matignon more than by the Elysée – in the previous five years and until Jean Castex has replaced Edouard Philippe in 2020. Since December, it is again Matignon who has hand. The idea of ​​appointing Manuel Valls Minister of State is signed François Bayrou and it is accompanied by the special adviser to the head of government, Eric Thiers, that Manuel Valls went to the archipelago for a week, at the end of February. The former Socialist Prime Minister, however, takes care to regularly inform the head of state of the progress of his work which could lead to a new political compromise.

Read also: François Bayrou does not respond to Edouard Philippe, Cyril Hanouna soon received by France Inter?

Wauquiez: play it like Chirac

“Will you go to the end or not?” : The question of Thomas Sotto to Laurent Wauquiez, Wednesday on RTL, immediately inspired the supporters of the candidate for the presidency of LR, who produced a small video making a parallel with Jacques Chirac, to whom Arlette Chabot asked, in an interview who remained famous, if he would go “to the end” … a few months before his 1995 presidential victory. ” Wauquiez. In Bruno Retailleau not to finish in Edouard Balladur.

Bayrou-Faure: Pass d’Armes at the Elysée

The scene takes place at the Elysée, February 20. François Bayrou approaches Olivier Faure. The day before, the Prime Minister violently attacked the PS during the debate on the motion of socialist censorship. “You aggress people who saved you!” Says the first secretary. “We shouldn’t do Betharram!” Replied the head of government. Who did not appreciate having been arrested two days earlier by the deputy PS Colette Capdevielle – “I don’t even know her!” – And who criticizes the PS for adding a paragraph on the case in their censorship motion.

Read also: Edouard Philippe, his secret fears for 2027: Retailleau’s ambition, Macron’s preference

Darmanin and the “Symptom” Retailleau

The Minister of Justice is not a man to panic. While around him, some people watch with anxiety grow the notoriety and popularity of Bruno Retailleau since his arrival Place Beauvau, Gérald Darmanin, he tries to step back. “Retailleau is a symptom,” he certified to one of his comrades in the political world who judged the remark very just. Understanding: The Minister of the Interior would be proof of a public opinion that expects authority on migratory and security subjects. In the mind of the Darmanin strategist, stripped the road to the ambitious retailleau has everything of a waste of time. It is better to tackle the French what they expect by showing firmness in the acts. Thus, Gérald Darmanin’s proposal for a new prison regime of extremely strict isolation for the 100 most dangerous drug traffickers undoubtedly in this approach. The withdrawal of the tie on the other hand …

Edouard Philippe: “tie and punctuality”

You will not see this candidate already declared to the 2027 presidential election withdraw his tie. Edouard Philippe says it and repeats it: “The only answer I can provide to anger and the will to change our society is to take people seriously by telling them what I want to do.” And there is no question for that to use ease or vulgarity. “I think there is a great class of class among those who go into language brutality,” says the mayor of Le Havre, taking the example of Jean-Marie Le Pen or Valéry Giscard d’Estaing who had, both, a very high level of language. And to conclude: “Me, it’s rather tie and punctuality.” Finally the break with Emmanuel Macron!

Read also: Laurent Wauquiez, the old demons of a conqueror: “We all lived a hard time with him”

A LFI-Ecologists meeting for a possible agreement to the municipal elections

On February 21, deputies Nathalie Oziol and Paul Vannier, co-responsible for the elections for rebellious France, transmitted a letter to Marine Tondelier, national secretary of environmentalists. In this missive, the melenchonic lieutenants take note of the fears of the interested party concerning the municipal elections. “You alert the risk of ‘division’ in the municipal elections. We do so much with you.” Thus, the rebels proposed a meeting to environmentalists “in order to discuss the possibility of reaching an agreement”. Marine Tondelier responded in the affirmative to this meeting. Which will take place soon.

Marion Maréchal, the niece that annoys the RN

Marion Maréchal continues to feed the gossip among frontists. The ambitions of the niece of Marine Le Pen, returned to the fold of the national rally, intrigue and annoy the executives of the party. “The question is: what will she throw her sights ?, Asks an elected official. If it is the town hall of Paris, I am waiting to see, she made this advertise made by those around her, it’s very weird.” Others have still not recovered from his speech during the funeral of Jean-Marie Le Pen, on January 16, at the Notre-Dame du Val-de-Grâce church in Paris. “It was of a particular indecency, this very political, playful tone, it was completely moved,” comments a framework. And a last to drive the point home: “She is still a source of tensions. The first thing she does on her return? Hiring Philippe VARDON [NDLR : ancien responsable du Bloc identitaire] in the assembly. It is certain that Marine and Jordan did not appreciate … “

Read also: In 2027, a single candidate for LR and the macronists? On the right, a taboo gets up

Marine Le Pen angry with BFM

Finished, it’s over. The owner of the National Rally group in the Assembly decided not to set foot in a morning program of BFM. “She considers that they behave badly, that the titles are putassiers, she no longer wants to go there,” abounds a loved one. Marine Le Pen prefers to give his place to the leader of the far -right party, Jordan Bardella, who particularly appreciates these media exercises. At the RN, too, we have the division of tasks at heart.

