ENSURING Patients Receive Safe, Quality Care is of the uprost import at the Brant Community Healthcare System (Brantford General Hospital and the Willett, Paris).
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This included Access to Religious, Cultural, and Spiritual Care, Which can have a profound effect on patient’s attitude towards their treatment, their recovery, and their overall hospital experience.
Matthew Mutamiri, Clinical Manager of Inpatient Mental Health and Addictions and Spiritual Care, Leads a Growing Team of Spiritual Care Practitioners.
“Every patient at Both the BGH and the Willett is provided the opportunity to receive spiritual and religious support from our team if they wish,” He Said.
“Some people are spiritually anchored While Others May Have Drifted Away from Their Spiritual Faith, so when they encourage Health Crisis, they want someone to meet and talk with.”
Carol Caswell is one of the Spiritual Care Practitioners. “I Always Wanted to Help People, So After High School I Enrolled in the Nursing Program at Norfolk General Hospital. It was 1959 when i graduated and began working at the Brantford General Hospital As a Certified Nursing Assistant. I Went On To Study at McMaster Divinity College and Reced a Certificate in Christian Studies in 1980. ”
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The Spiritual Care Practitioners Provide Multifith Services With the Support of Partner Faith Leaders, in Collaboration with Hospital Patients and Their Families.
“Each Day I Review Requests from patients who have asked for a visit,” Caswell Said. “I meet with them, and together we determine what they want and how i can assist. This may lead to a prayer or not and that is fine. ”
According to mutamiri, The Number of Patients Who Requests Spiritual Care Peaked in 2022 During the COVVI-19 Pandemic. In the Current Year, Well Over 100 Patients Have Requeststed Visting With the Spiritual Care Practitioners.
Spiritual Care Pratitioners Provide Care Throughout All The Units at Both the BGH and Willett – From the Emergency Department to Palliative Care, from the Medical Unit to Surgery, Patients With Stays To The Rehabilitation Unit, To Mental Health.
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In addition, bchs serves the large indigue community in canada, so the spiritual care practitioners, supported by two indigenous patient navigators, also meet the various cultural needs of these patients and their families.
“We have Two Staff onsite who are supported by Another Four On-Call,” Mutamiri Said. “We are Closely Connected and supported by Religious Leaders from All Faiths.”
Caswell Says Her Reward is the satisfaction of getting to know patients and their families. “I Learn About Their Background and Try to Help Them Move Forward by Providing Encouragement, Peace, and Comfort.”
“If they can place some of their Burden onto My Shoulders, I Feel Helpful.”
Hospital Insider is Written by Gary Chalk, A Train Employee of the Brant Community Healthcare System.