Here are the most commonly used subscription services, and video games

Here are the most commonly used subscription services and video

A study reveals in which services by subscription we invest the most time (and money). Unsurprisingly, video streaming dominates our free time, followed by music and gaming. Nowadays, there is a digital subscription for almost everything: to watch movies and series, listen to unlimited music, order good little dishes, and even play recent video games without having to pay the high price. But what are the most used paid services?

Netflix & Co in pole position, gaming in the top trio

A study conducted by Expressvpn, a supplier VPNwith 4,000 people in Europe and the United States provides answers. At the risk of not surprising anyone, content streaming platforms are those that occupy our free time the most. 75% of those questioned say they regularly use video services such as Netflix and Disney+. These contents are consumed at 70 % on a television and 55 % on smartphone, especially during public transport trips.

In second position, we find the music, with 51% of respondents declaring being subscribed to a musical streaming platform like Spotify or Apple Music.

And video games in all of this? With the boom in gaming subscriptions like PlayStation Plus, the Xbox Game Pass or the GeForce Now, the video game is essential. 24 % of respondents spend a few euros for unlimited access to a large catalog. These subscribers mainly play on living room console (51 %), but also on smartphone (45 %), proof that gaming is also lived in mobility.

Next come food delivery applications (16%), services to improve our productivity at work (10%), subscriptions related to the management of our connected devices (10%) and finally, with only 8%, fitness applications to keep the shape when motivation is not enough.

A number of subscriptions and expenses increasing

The study also highlights our growing dependence on paid subscriptions. 44% of those questioned juggling three subscriptions with a minimum. Consequently, French Internet users can spend an average of € 38.90 per month for their digital subscriptions, compared to 49.11 dollars across the Atlantic. Are these subscriptions really profitable? Not always. 35 % of respondents recognize time to take full advantage of their paid services.

40% of them also entrust themselves overwhelmed by the management of all their digital subscriptions. Difficulties to manage the different accounts and associated passwords, lack of time, prohibitive prices, or surplus of notifications and commercial emails … So many factors which contribute to a ” Subscription fatigue To which 38% of respondents admit to suffer from time to time, even all the time.

Let us be reassured, solutions exist to protect them. On his blogExpressVPN also gives tracks so as not to run out in the management of its subscriptions.
