TCL Türkiye increased its sales of QD-Mini LED TV in 2024 118 percent

TCL Turkiye increased its sales of QD Mini LED TV in

TCL TürkiyeToday, he made a statement and reported that they increased the sales of QD-Mini LED TV in 2024 by 118 percent.

In a statement made by the company on this subject, the following transferred: “The world’s second largest TV brand TCL Electronics announced the results of 2024 and its targets for 2025. Timo XU, General Manager of TCL Electronics Türkiye, stated that they have left behind 5 years full of success in the Turkish market and evaluated the 5 -year performance of the brand, its goals and strategies for the Turkish market. Timo Xu said that they started their activities in 2020 and that they have achieved significant successes since then. Türkiye, the largest market of TCL in the Middle East and African shadow, has also become a regional center where the operations of 10 countries in the region are managed.

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Timo XU underlined that they have reached over 400,000 households by increasing the business volume of TCL since 2020 and said that they have touched more than 1 million people with TCL brand in Türkiye with this products. When we first entered the country market, we started with a limited number of 50-55 ”model options, but we have expanded our TV product range to 129 different products ranging from 32” to 115. We have not only made breakthroughs on the TV side and we bring together new generation air conditioners, soundbars and other home products with the consumer in Türkiye. ”

Timo Xu also made evaluations for 2024; “As in the global market, our QD-Mini LED TVs, which have the biggest contribution in the success in Türkiye, have made high-tech LED TVs. QD-MINI LED TV sales in Türkiye compared to last year 118 %increased success. We maintain our strong presence in the XL category formed by TVs with a screen size of 75 inches or more, and in 2024 we gained 74 %growth in this product group. ”

Timo Xu, who continued his words by saying that they have left behind successfully, said, ık We have strengthened our strong existence in Türkiye for five years. While the TV market in Türkiye closed the year with a decline, we have achieved a serious growth rate of 25 %, an important performance indicator for us in a market where competition is intense. We are determined to maintain this success with the same determination. We have ambitious goals for 2025 and we aim to double the sales volume of 210 thousand in 2025 in 2025. Just as in the global market, we work for leadership. Our new products that we will offer for sale in May will give us an important momentum on this journey. ‘ He said.

TCL’s global TV shipment reached 29 million with an increase of 14.8 percent compared to 2023 and the company renewed its own record. While TCL gained a significant market share with the increase in large size and QD-Mini LED TV sales, the global shipments of QD-Mini LED TV increased by 194.5 percent on an annual basis. TCL has gained an important market share in North America, Europe and developing markets with its increasing sales in the big screen TV category. On the other hand, TCL CSOT, TCL’s panel unit, succeeded in completing 2024 in the second place worldwide in its TV panel market share.
