A new traffic sign is gradually spread at the entrance to the cities and villages of France. However, few drivers know its real meaning.
A new signaling panel is gradually and discreetly appeared at the entrances to certain French municipalities. In the absence of sufficient information, it is still very mysterious for most motorists. Rectangular in shape, it has a white background bordered by a green border, adorned with one to five roads forming hearts.
Motorists question the meaning of this new addition to the road landscape. Some people think of a tourist initiative, others in a public health campaign. Speculations are righteous.
In reality, this panel is the symbol of a particular distinction: the “Prudent city” label. Created in 2018, it is awarded by the Road Prevention Association to the Commons which actively engage in favor of road safety. It rewards local initiatives aimed at reducing road accidents and promoting responsible driving.
To obtain this label, municipalities must set up various actions, such as the secure development of road infrastructure, but also awareness campaigns with citizens or specific training of municipal staff.
Among the devices put in place, we can cite the “reward lights”, which only go green when a motorist respects the speed limit, video surveillance cameras which can verbalize, the installation of devices to reduce the speed of motorists, etc.
With this system, the association of road prevention makes available to cities and villages registered different tools to enable them to enhance and optimize their road prevention actions, but also a communication kit to inform the citizens of the commitment of the municipality.
To date, more than 530 French municipalities proudly wear this panel at their entrances, testifying to their commitment to everyone’s safety. In 2024, 132 municipalities received this label. Each red heart present on the panel indicates the city’s level of engagement, like stars for hotels or flowers for “flower towns and villages”. Note that only three cities have obtained five hearts: Lorient, Vieux-Thann and Gif-sur-Yvette.
Now, the next time you come across this panel decorated with red hearts, you will know that it symbolizes a city invested in the protection of its road users.