A Message from Brantford Police About the Use of Low-Speed Vehicles has been caused for Owners of Mobility Scooters, and a Local Business That Sells Them.
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“The Last Thing I Want is for my customers to be terified to head out in their scooter thinking they go to get pulled over and load,” Said Risa Walker, Owner of Spinnie’s Mobility Scooters in Brantford.
Walker, withdrawn, Became Inspired to Start Her Own Business After Seeing A Man Get Into An Enclosed Mobility Scooter Parked Outside A Store and Drive Off.
“I Just Sat and Stared At It,” She Shared. “I Thought, That’s Brilliant. He’s out of the Hot Sun and Would Also be Protected from Wind and Rain. ”
She Researched the Enclosed Mobility Scooters and contact Both the Ontario Minister of Transportation and Brantford Police Before Going Into Business Selling Them in the Spring of 2024.
While Enclosed Mobility Scooters and Low-Speed Vehicles May Be Similar in Appearance there are Stark Differences.
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Like ride-on scooters that are more commonly seen, the enclosed version has handlebars, hand-operated brakes, a throttle for power, a seat belt, turn signals and headlights/taillights while an lsv has controls that include a steering wheel and pedals. The enclosed scooters also have a window Wiper, Heater and Fan, Sunroof, Side and Rear Windows, and Suspension.

Both versions of the scooter have a limited speed of about 25 to 30 km/h, though walker said they shouldn be operated on sidewalk at that speed for safety reasons.
“The MTO Said Anywher that Pedestrians go, scooters can go,” she explains. “The laws indicate when you are operating a mobile scooter you are considering a pedestrian. In Saying that you must be considering and kind to (pedestrians) on the sidewalk or crossing the street. ”
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Low-speed vehicles are part of a 10-year Pilot Project introduced by the Provincial Government in 2017, but their operation is depend on municipalities in bylaw to permit their use.
Under the pilot program, lsvs are to have a maximum speed of 50 km/h but must not be capable of attaining a speed greater than 40 km/h on a level surface. The Operator Must have a full class g or high driver’s license, insurance that included $ 1 million in liabibility coverage, and be registered with service ontario. All Highway Traffic Act Rules of the Road Apply to Lsvs Under the Pilot Program.
Transport Canada Notes that lsvs Only Meet Three Safety Standards Under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, While Convention Passenger Motor Vehicles Must Meet Up to 40 Safety Standards.
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“This poses a real threat to people inside lsvs, if they are operated on public roads,” transport Canada notes on its website. A National Research Council Canada Report on LSVS in 2008 concluded there may be a substantially HIGHER DRIVER INJURY AND FATALITY RATE AMONG LSV OPERATORS Due to the Relatively LOW MASS OF LSVS COMPARED TO OTHER VEHICLES ON Public Roads.
NORFOLK and HALDIMAND COUNTIES BOTH ENACTED BYLAWS in 2021 permitting the use of lsvs on roadways, with the later purchasing two such vehicles.
“The lsvs can operate withn Town Boundary Areas with the vehicle used for bylaw Enforcement Typically Operating in Caledonia During the Summer Months,” Said Erin Haase, Communications Advis for Haldimand County. “The Community Events LSV is used to facilitate Large County-APPROVE Events across the Municipality, Assting Event Organizers in Moving People and Supplies.”
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“The City of Brantford has not enteled a bylaw allowing lsvs to operate on city streets, sidewalks, or paved pathways, likely due to safety concerns related to frontal impacts, rollovers, head restraints, and side door strength, which make their When operated on public roads, ”Said Maria Visocchi, Director of Communications for the City of Brantford. “Mobility scooters are designed for use on sidewalks and are not intended to operate in the same manner as lsvs. Each Category of Vehicle has distinct regulations to ensure user and public Safety. ”
Const. Dakota Brush of the Brantford Police Traffic Division Said the Stament Issued Regarding Lsvs was a means to be proactive and let the community know about the vehicles.
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“With this New Information Being Released by Us, There’s Going to Be a Learning Curve for the Citizens of Brantford Because they may not have been aware,” he said. “I WOULD HATE TO See Somebody That Needs A Mobility Scooter To Go Spend All this Money On A Low-Speed Vehicle and It Results in It Not Being Operational.”
Brush Said Patrol Officers Are Able to Exercise Discretion in Regard to the Highway Traffic Act when a Mobility Scooter is operated on roadways, or if an lsv is found to be operating in the city.
“The Priority has to be on keeping our roadways safe.”
Walker contact the exhibition after the tuesday interview to share that sweater with a sergeant in the BPS Traffic division who listened, asked questions, and now has a better understanding of enclosed scooters versus lsvs.
“An Officer is coming by my home (Wednesday) to check them out and take (Photos) in order to become more familiar and share what enclosed mobility scooters look like inside and out.