Wall Street in the rise greets the possible slip of duties

New records in New York post election and Fed optimism continues

(Finance) – High session for Wall Streetwho benefits from a relaxation on the economic-political front, after the media are about to speak of the possibility of a postponement of the duties imposed in Mexico and Canada. After serving in the last few days an intention of the Polica Tariffora, the Mercat have known the possible slip of the duties with good humor. The Dow Jones rises to 42,805 points; On the same line theS & P-500 which advances to 5,815 points. In cash the Nasdaq 100 (+0.78%); With a similar direction, the performance of theS & P 100 (+0.71%).

The sectors are distinguished in the Paniere S & P 500 materials (+2.17%), industrial goods (+1.19%) e Secondary consumer goods (+1.19%). Among the most negative on the S&P 500 basket list, we find the sectors energy (-2.41%) e utility (-0.93%).

At the top of the ranking of American giants components the Dow Jones, Dow (+4.65%), Caterpillar (+2.33%), Amazon (+1.65%) e Microsoft (+1.62%).

The strongest sales on Intelwhich continues the negotiations at -4.83%.

Sales on Chevronwhich records a reduction of 1.98%.

Negative session for IBMwhich shows a loss of 1.53%.

Thoughtful Applewith a fractional drop of 0.54%.

Among the best performers del Nasdaq 100, Modern (+6.12%), PDD Holdings (+5.13%), Dollar tree (+3.07%) e Asml holding (+2.90%).

The strongest sales, however, manifest themselves on Crowdstrike Holdingswhich continues the counterattacks at -7.35%.

Descends Intelwith a drop of 4.83%.

Under pressure Trade Deskwhich accuses a drop of 3.62%.

Slide Diamondback Energywith a clear disadvantage of 3.04%.
