The fishermen’s shock: Giant subfine jumped aboard

The fishermens shock Giant subfine jumped aboard



The full screen dolphin after being released back into the sea in Waitangi in northern New Zealand. Photo: New Zealand Department of Conservation via AP/TT

A fishing trip in calm Nyzeel waters degenerated when the fishermen suddenly got company.

From nowhere, a little over 400 kilos of heavy dolphin jumped aboard the men’s boat.

The three fishermen – like the dolphin – had angel guard. No one suffered any worse injuries when the 3.4 meter long bottlenose dolphin crashed with a bang in the small boat’s floor.

– One second everything was calm and then, just like when a flash strikes, there is a big dolphin in the boat that throws around and destroys everything, says boat owner Dean Harrison.

Getting the dolphin into the water again was easier said than done.

– We saw that the dolphin lived and breathed and thought – we have to start taking care of him and figure out how we solve this, says Harrison.

The fishermen called for help and were instructed to get to a boat ramp an hour away. Once there, the rescue was waiting in the form of a tractor and a lifting crane.

– The dolphin could swim away and we could walk home, and we all got a good story. It was a good end to a situation that could have ended very differently.
