It is not true in “Knutby – Christ’s bride” on TV4

It is not true in Knutby Christs bride on

“Knutby – Christ’s bride” has premiered on TV4. The series is loosely based on the events in the rewritten Knutby Assembly – but some parts do not match reality. Spoiler warning!

It was the year 2021 as “Knutby”, directed by Goran Kapetanovićbroadcast in TV4. The drama series, with, among others Alba AugustThe Aliette Opheim and Einar Bredefeldt In some of the lead roles, became a thunderstorm and Opheim was rewarded with a crystal for his efforts.

On March 4, the second season, entitled “Knutby – Christ’s bride”, had a premiere linear on TV4. Then the congregation life in the small town goes into “a new phase”.

“Abuse, arranged marriage, infidelity, threats and feverish prophecies – drama in Knutby escalates without any. a press release before the premiere.

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Aliette Opheim plays the bride of Christ. Photo: Sara P Borgström/TV4

But what is right in the new season? Aftonbladet has listed some of the segments in the series’ action that does not really correspond to reality. Below you will find some of the parts that are “fake”.

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Urban field did not come to Knutby after the murder as Örjan

The character Örjan, which is played by Alex Jubellconnects to the congregation only after what in reality was called Knutbydramat then Alexandra Fossmo was murdered and Daniel Linde was shot in 2004.

But the pastor Urban fieldwhich Örjan is based on, moved to the small town as early as 2001 and was part of the innermost circle when the Knutby drama took place.

Read more: Everything about Alex Jubelle: Partner, Knutby, Terra and Education

Urban field. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Don’t miss: So do Knutby members today-21 years after the murder

Rigmor Robért was not confronted at his home as Lillemor

Eva Funck plays the character Lillemor Lundénwho is a psychologist and who understands that something is not right in the congregation. She gets, in the series, confronted outside her home.

But no such confrontation was Rigmor Robértas the character is based on, with about. However, she had several intense, and sometimes threatening, meetings with the parishioners.

– I have to say that I do not recommend anyone to go against a sect that I did without being part of an institution, such as the police or psychiatry. I did it as a lonely fellow and it was an interesting experience but it is not something I recommend. They are incredibly aggressive to those who get transparency, she tells Aftonbladet.

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Rigmor Robért. Photo: Leo Sellén/TT

Read more: Helge Fossmo today-so the Knutby pastor lives in freedom

Åsa Waldau was not confronted in Spain as Eva Skoog

In the last episode of “Knutby – Christ’s Bride” confronted Aliette Opheim’s character Eva Skoog – that is based on Åsa “Christ’s bride” Waldau – by a parish member by name Lollo; which are played by Ulrika Nilsson.

The confrontation takes place at a conference in Spain and ends with Eva abusing Lollo.

– No, that’s fiction. In Spain, they, to me, have not been, says Rigmor Robért to Aftonbladet, saying that the journey in reality went to Canada.

Read more: Kristi’s bride today – so does Åsa Waldau live after Knutby

Åsa Waldau. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

There, Waldau should also not have been confronted according to Robért. However, she must have practiced violence against a woman during the trip.

Later, Waldau was also convicted of several cases of abuse.

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