Zemmour proposes a coalition for the legislative elections, an idea rejected by Le Pen

Zemmour proposes a coalition for the legislative elections an idea

The barely digested defeat, Marine Le Pen launches into the battle of the legislative elections. Like the other losers of the presidential election, the ex-candidate of the National Rally hopes to redo the Assembly. She has also decided to represent herself in Pas-de-Calais and not to take over the presidency of the RN. His former rival Eric Zemmour offers him a coalition. But Marine Le Pen has not forgotten the attacks of the President of Reconquest during the campaign. The rapprochement between the two far-right formations will be at the whim of Marine Le Pen.

Eric Zemmour attacked him again on Sunday evening. 24 hours later, he reaches out to her. The ex-candidate of Reconquest is now courting the one to whom he made life difficult for months.

Only a coalition can prevent Emmanuel Macron from having “full powers”, says the Zemmour camp. But Marine Le Pen, strong with her second round score, snubs him and savors his revenge. No question of offering a lifeboat to the zemmourists.

If the idea of ​​a coalition between the two parties is rejected, a case-by-case alliance is considered. Constituencies could be granted to several members of Eric Zemmour’s entourage.

We have 577 candidates, not all of them will be RN inserts of course, but making an agreement with people who only dream of driving us out of the political landscape would probably be incongruous, believes Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the RN. And that Monsieur Zemmour does not forget that Madame Le Pen is the leader of the opposition. It was she who made 41.5%, she was the one who went to the second round. He stopped in the first round with 7%, that does not give him the legitimacy to choose who should lead the patriot alliance. »

The showdown has only just begun. Without pressure for Marine Le Pen who has the cards in hand. She offers herself a week of rest until May 1st.
