Colon cancer: how are the stools?

Colon cancer how are the stools

The month of March and its “Blue Mars” is an opportunity to recall that screening for colon cancer is free from 50 years.

Colorectal cancer affects nearly 43,000 new patients in France each year. It results in the presence of a malignant tumor in the colon or rectum. When not treated, it can spread to the liver, the lymphatic glands and other parts of the organism. It is in this context that each year, Mars Bleu, carried by the National Cancer Institute (Inca) and supported by the French National Society of Gastroenterology (SNFGE), recalls the importance of being tested from 50 years, every 2 years. The screening is based first on an analysis of the stool but how do you know if they are normal or not?

Many symptoms can be associated with the appearance of a tumor in the colon or rectum. Among them, a change in transit, “That is to say the appearance of constipation which did not exist before”explains Professor Christophe Cellier, hepato-gastroenterologist and outgoing president of the SNFGE. But also abdominal pain or discomfort, often compared to sensations of “weight” in the transit, due to the presence of obstacles at this location. Without forgetting “false needs”, this impression of wanting to go to the saddle and to evacuate anything, as well as an alteration of the general health characterized by breathlessness, fatigue, weight loss, anemia or even fever. But the symptom “The most classic”according to our specialist, is in the stool.

“If we repeatedly observe blood in the stool, you have to consult” says Professor Cellier. Bleeding can take place outside the stool or in the stool. “It doesn’t always mean cancernuance the expert, It is perhaps just hemorrhoids or inflammation, in the case of an intestinal inflammatory diseaseE “. Cancer or not, a visit to a healthcare professional will allow you to know the cause. “You must first consult a doctor”. The latter may make a palpation of the abdomen and possibly a proctological examination. If in doubt, he will prescribe a colonoscopy (examination with camera in the colon).

The objective is to detect cancer before the appearance of symptoms, thanks to screening. “When the symptoms alert, it’s a bit late. It means that the tumor is already a little advanced”exhibits Professor Cellier. The colorectal cancer screening is simple, free and is done at home every 2 years from the age of 50. You can have your screening kit with the attending physician or asking for his kit on the internet.
