MEF, Revenue 2024 Increased by over 35 billion euros (+6.2%)

MEF 270 billion euro application for the issue of 10 year

(Finance) – In 2024 the tax revenues of the tax authorities they were equal to over 603 billion euroswith an increase of 35.2 million euros compared to the same period of 2023 (+6.2%). This is what emerges from the update published by the MEF Finance Department.

In particular, for the direct taxes there is an increase in 27.3 million of euros, while for the indirect taxes an increase in 7.8 million euro.

The Irpef revenuewhich stood at 235.5 billion euros (+6.4%), reflects the increase in withholding in the private sector (+8%) e withholding taxes of the public sector (+5.9%). IRES it was equal to 57,667 million euros (+11.3%).

As for indirect taxes, the VAT revenue they were equal to 180,791 million euros (+3.4%). Excise duty on energy productstheir similar derivatives and products (mineral oils) stands at 25,779 million euros (+2.1%), the excise duty onelectricity and additional amounts to 2,460 million (-8.5%), while the excise duty on natural gas For combustion (methane gas) generated revenue for 2,103 million euros (-24.2%).

The MEF announced that for the month of January 2025, The tax revenues of the tax authorities amount to 49.5 billion euroswith an increase of 2.209 million euros compared to the same period of 2024 (+4.7%). In particular, for direct taxes there is an increase of 1,862 million euros while for indirect taxes there is an increase of 347 million euros.
