ICA answers customers’ question

ICA answers customers question

As one of Sweden’s largest grocery chains, ICA has many customers who wonder different things and have wishes. In recent times, however, several Swedes have supported a boycott and these are demanding one and the same thing.

A Facebook group by name “Boycott goods from the United States” Has been widely circulated and in one week the group went from 1,000 members to 40,000 members.

However, the group has far from enough committed to ensuring that Sweden’s grocery stores start to get rid of American products altogether. However, several in the group are demanding that US goods are marked in stores.

When News24 Contacted Coop it was clear that there was no change there as a result of the boycott.

– As a customer, you can see the country of origin on the packaging of the goods, or on a sign when it comes to goods sold in bulk, such as fruits and vegetables. We believe that it is the most effective and clearest way to take part in the origin of a product. We will therefore not introduce a new label on the shelf edge, said Therese buttonpress contact at Coop Sweden, then.

Now ICA has also given answers to the customers’ wish.

– The products in our range follow all requirements for origin labeling, says Kim Engblompress officer at ICA Group to News24, and continues:

– We are always ready to help our customers make conscious choices whether it is origin or other criteria and ultimately it is up to each customer to choose which goods you want to buy.
