The last study revealed: Tattoo can increase the risk of cancer?

Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology Professor. Dr. Uğur Coşkun, published in a health magazine tattoo He made a statement about the study that his ink was not only in the tattoo area and could cause lymphoma and skin cancers. Coşkun gave the following statements in his statement:

Risk of lymphoma and skin cancer

“Danish 5 thousand 900 tattooed twin individuals in this case control study, tattooed individuals with the risk of skin cancer was 1.62 times higher. A hand in the palm of a hand tattooed tattoo in the skin cancer and lymphoma found a higher risk. It was stated that he could settle.

Lymph nodes are an important part of the immune system that helps to fight infections in the body and filter harmful substances in the body. When tattoo ink penetrates the skin, some are absorbed on the lymph nodes. In particular, we have concerns about tattooing against the risk that the tattoo ink may cause chronic inflammation in the lymph nodes and that it may lead to abnormal cell growth and increased risk of cancer over time. “

Stating that it is quite difficult to clarify the connection between the risk of tattoo and cancer. Dr. Coşkun, “We cannot say that every individual who has a tattoo gets cancer. Because cancer is both a disease -related disease due to many reasons, and the development of cancer may take many years. This may mean that tattooing may not cause disease until decades after decades and this makes it difficult to measure a direct effect.

The size of the tattoo is also important

As a result of the study, the size of the tattoo was also considered. The risk of lymphoma in individuals with larger tattoos is almost three times higher than those without tattoos. This ratio varies depending on age (hazard ratio) age, timing of tattoo and how long individuals have been followed in the study. As a result, when we evaluate the work done so far, ‘tattooing causes cancer’ seems to be quite difficult to give the final judgment at the moment. I hope that we can better understand biological mechanisms with further studies. “

