The owners must pay this invoice for their tenants, many are surprised

The owners must pay this invoice for their tenants many

Few owners know that they are liable for this charge.

Throughout the year, many charges weigh on the owners, even when they have a tenant. All expenses, in particular of co -ownership, are not attributable to the occupant of the premises. The holder of the property must also put his hand in the pocket, in addition to his tax charges. To avoid disputes, the law frames fairly precisely what should be paid by each of the parties.

In this list, one of the expenses is the responsibility of the owner. However, few of them know it, while it costs between 50 and 150 euros and it is made on behalf of the tenant. A unpleasant surprise often discovered after signing the lease.


After having peeled numerous files and contractualized the rental, the work does not stop there for the owner or the trustee responsible for the management of the property. When the tenant asked his boxes in an apartment, the question of his identification within the building arrives. If the new occupant must think about changing his name on the mailbox, another change should not be forgotten: the one on the intercom.

On some, just change the small piece of paper with the name corresponding to the button. On others, only the apartments are indicated and therefore require no adjustment. But on some, more sophisticated, it is necessary to make a more advanced update to modify the name connected to the house.

For ancient intercoms, the label must sometimes be changed by the provider responsible for interphony. This must therefore move, for 40 to 50 euros. For digital intercoms, on which we select the apartment on a scrolling menu on a screen, a remote intervention is enough. This can be free or climb up to 25 euros, according to a range indicated by a trustee Liner.

But who should pay the bill? Many owners are surprised. Indeed, it is indeed the lessor to settle the note. In reality, the manager in charge of the interphonia invoices his work to the co -ownership trustee, who reflects the note to the owner, details our administrator.

As surprising as it may seem, this is not a recoverable charge from the tenant. Thus, with each change of occupant, the owner must go to the checkout.
