A majority of Swedes want to defend the country in war

If there is a war in Sweden, men aged 50 to 64, with high income and who vote for the Sweden Democrats, are most willing to participate in the military defense. The willingness to defense among women is significantly lower.

“There are half as many women as men who want to stand in the defense,” says Sten Widmalm, professor at Uppsala University.

The questions in the survey answered in the autumn of 2024. Among the respondents, the total will be 53 percent, which is a slightly declining trend in recent years. However, Sten Widmalm believes that this is a relatively high figure compared to other European countries.

– Compared to other European countries, we are somewhere in the middle, he says.

Italy, Germany and Japan are the countries whose citizens are to the lowest extent willing to defend their country. Photo: SVT graphics

The least willingness to stand for the defense can be found among ages 16 to 29 years, where only 41 percent say they are willing to fight for the country.

The will of defense varies widely depending on which party you state that you sympathize with. The highest will be found among the voters of the right -wing parties, especially the Swedish Democrats, while the voters of the Environment Party show at least defense will of 33 percent. Among people with an immigrant background, 50 percent respond that they want to fight for Sweden, while for people who do not have an immigrant background is 54 percent.

The proportion who answered yes to the question of whether one is willing to fight for their country. Photo: SVT graphics

Continued high support for NATO

The Swedes’ attitude towards NATO remains positive in this measurement, although it is slightly lower than before, with 58 percent who are positive. A decrease compared to 2022 when 62 percent were positive. Among the left -wing voters, the support is lowest, only 20 percent are positive, a figure that stands out compared to the other parties.

The measurement also shows that the will to defend other NATO countries is great. According to the SOM Institute’s survey, 88 percent agree in whole or in part that Sweden should do so. Even more, 93 percent, want other NATO countries to defend Sweden.

Hear in the clip above how some Swedes reason about defending Sweden in war.

The SOM Institute’s measurement contains answers from just over 26,000 Swedes aged 16 and above. The questions were answered during the period September to November, but the largest proportion answered in September. The response rate is around 50 percent.
