Therefore you should pour chili powder into the garden in March

Therefore you should pour chili powder into the garden in

According to SMHI, it is now in several places in Sweden. Among other things in Skåne, Blekinge and in Öland, it has been possible to find meteorological spring, which also Sweden’s radio reported on.

Now gardeners are urging all landowners to pour chili powder into their garden, according to British Express. Here you will know why!

The number of insects has drastically decreased in several parts of the country in recent years, according to SLU. The birds that usually eat insects can therefore find it harder to find food.

Therefore, laying out bird seeds and bird food in their garden can help birds get food.

However, since there is a great risk that the food also attracts vermin as rats, it may be smart to pour chili powder at the food, according to Express.

Chili powder does not affect the birds that eat with the beak, unlike rats and squirrels. What gives a burning sensation when eating chili is above all the subject capsaicin.

According to Lars Olof BjörnProfessor emeritus in botany at Lund University, birds react differently to capsaicin compared to us humans and other mammals. Birds react to heat, but not to capsaicin that chilin contains. Therefore, they can eat chili fruits and thereby spread the seeds, Björn writes on Research & Progress.

– Strong chili powder or pepper sauce (as tabasco) can be shaken on bird food. Birds are not bothered by chilin, but most squirrels cannot stand with the burning feeling and leaves the food alone, says the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to British Express.
