Monster Hunter Wilds: Find and catch sandwuses

After the main quest by Monster Hunter Wilds, an NPC in the wind level will give you the order to find a sandwusel. Even if this is a small animal, you will have problems catching it. We show you the location and the best tactics for the catch.

Who wants to have the sandwusel? In the base camp of the wind level you will find the NPC “Samin” in the large tent, which familiarizes you with the quest “Samin’s special research report”. You have to catch a sandwusel in the desert, but you have to find out the place and a tactic. Since this guy is very nimble and rarely on the go, we show you the most important information that should simplify your hunt.

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Find sandwusel and catch

Where can I find the sandwusel? However, the sandwusel can be found on the wind level in special places with lots of space to run around. We recommend the 13th area to you, you can also set up a field camp there to force the animal’s spawn, if necessary.

In addition to the location, the year and time of day also plays an important role. The sandwusel only spawns at night at night. Use the rest function in your field or base camp- the feature costs you 300 guild points.

How do I catch the sandwusel? The sandwusel is traveling very quickly. Like our Meinmmo author Christos, you can catch the animal on foot and with your Saikrii, but that would end in a 10-minute chase. We therefore recommend the use of sound bombs to temporarily put the animal out of action. The Ghillie coat can also be helpful because it hides you.

If the cradle stands still, you only have to unpack your catch network and shoot on the animal to capture it. In keeping with the catch, you also get the success “I caught a shooting star!”.

It was all the sandwusel and hunting. Would you prefer to learn other guides and tips? Then we can recommend our big overview with many guides around Monster Hunter Wilds: Monster Hunter Wilds: All guides, entry-level tips and information in the overview
