According to a theory that appeared on social networks and supported by an ex-NATO leader, US President Donald Trump could be a Russian agent recruited by Vladimir Putin.
A rumor that grows. According to ALNUR MUSSAYEV, an ex-high responsible for the KGB intelligence, Donald Trump would maintain close links with Russia. He would even be an agent, even a spy in the service of Vladimir Putin. In a message posted on Facebook at the end of February, the man affirms that in 1987, the KGB received Donald Trump then visiting Moscow by giving him the code name “Krasnov”. Information relayed in the columns of The Economic Times.
These statements have been taken up on numerous occasions online, and information quickly became viral. A hashtag #Krasnov even appeared on social networks. If no official evidence for the moment confirms or deals with the theory presented, the rumor is going well. All the more since the intervention of General Yakovleff, former NATO leader and guest of the Matinale of Public Senate Monday March 3, 2025.
General Michel Yakovleff presents his “personal theory”: “Tump is a Putin agent. Whether it is really, that he is held by Putin, I do not know. But that he is convinced, that Putin’s brain controls Trump’s brain …”, he launches in the face of the astonishment of the two journalists present on the set. “They (the Russians) played on his ego. They recruited him on his ego. We must see that Putin was a recruiter by training at the KGB,” continues the former chief of the police staff of NATO.
The Economic Times also relays trade relations between Trump and Russia, with his ex-wife Ivana Trump, to the inauguration of the Republican. A user of the social network X, “Anthony7andrews” has him in charge of developing a full thread of tweets on this theory about Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka was also involved in Russian intelligence operations according to this theory which cannot be verified. A Russian spy would have even attended the inauguration of Donald Trump indicates the Indian economic daily.
Donald Trump, “the ultimate in the useful idiot”
For his part, General Michel Yakovleff, ex-NATO leader, gave a layer at the start of this week to Public Senate. “Did they recruit it in the sense ‘it is paid’? There is information that says that it had a code name which is Krasnov, as returned”, an outing that confirms the theory seen on Facebook before, it does not prove its veracity. “But even if he is not an agent returned to the legal sense of the term, it is just a convinced. This is what Lenin called the ‘useful idiots’. So he is very silly and very useful, it is the ultimate of the useful idiot Trump at the moment. If it acts like that by personal conviction it is wonderful: the Kremlin directs Washington today,” says Yakovleff.
The theory that Donald Trump is a Russian agent recruited by Vladimir Putin is impossible to verify. She does not rely today on any tangible fact, however, she continues to feed the chronicle. For its part, the Trump administration did not respond to the claims that appeared here and there, especially on social networks. In addition, no official intelligence agency has confirmed the veracity of advanced information.