Audiology Expert Huri Aydoğan pointed out that almost one -third of hearing losses occurred as a result of high -sound exposure, suggesting that the headphones be removed at regular intervals while listening to music or playing games. Aydoğan, hearing loss often tinnitus, not clearly distinguishing sounds and the need to raise the sound of television or music, such as the need to show itself, stating that such signs should be considered.
Hearing loss is a health problem due to the deterioration of functions in the hearing center in the hearing ways or the brain.
“One -third of hearing losses occurs as a result of loud exposure”
For a long time listening to music with headphones will lead to hearing loss, Aydoğan, “Noise is a professional and environmental danger in terms of health. Exposure to high sound can cause permanent hearing loss. Approximately one -third of the hearing losses occur as a result of high sound exposure,” he said.
Situations that cause hearing loss
Audiometrist Aydoğan, who listed the most common occupational areas where hearing loss due to noise is “manufacturing environments such as mining, construction, factories”, said that the biggest factor that causes hearing loss other than professional noise is “listening to music”, the ears exposed to the noise can be stuck, or the sound of the sounds.
“Although it is not noticed at first, it manifests itself with loss of hearing over time”
Underlining that the sound level should not be kept high while listening to music and the ears should not be exposed to sound for a long time, Aydoğan said, “For example, a motorcycle 100 decibel, hair dryer 90 decibel sounds. hearing loss with the effects of showing with, “he said.
“85 decibel can be resistant to sound level for a maximum of 8 hours”
Especially loudly threatening people working in loud places, ie 95 decibels and the top may cause sudden hearing loss that expresses Aydoğan, the human ear can withstand 85 decibel sound level for a maximum of 8 hours and should be taken into consideration.
What are the symptoms of hearing loss?
Noting that some people do not notice the hearing problems they have experienced, Aydoğan said, “If you want people to repeat their words, if you cannot distinguish the sounds clearly in crowded environments, if you do not understand that the sound is rising while watching television or listening to music, and if you understand the conversations on the phone, you can talk about the conversations. Observe these signs well if you repeat such situations.
“Do not neglect ear controls”
Referring to the measures that can be taken to prevent hearing loss, Aydoğan recommended that the headphones be removed intermittently while listening to music. Aydoğan said that the biggest advantage of the ear plugs should be used if the task should be used in loud areas in the business environment and that the biggest advantage of the ear plug is protection against high sounds in hearing health and therefore it is necessary to use it to be protected in loud areas.
Aydoğan also emphasized the importance of conducting hearing tests and controls at regular intervals. For early diagnosis, especially the elderly and individuals working in noisy environments should apply to the ENT specialist and should not interrupt the hearing tests with the proposal of the expert. In addition, ear hygiene should be taken into consideration in order to take care of the Hygiene and to be protected from infections should be taken into consideration.