Obesity alarm worldwide: 1 out of every 2 adults will be overweight…

1741082264 Obesity alarm worldwide 1 out of every 2 adults will

The World Health Organization (DSÖ) defines excessive weight as accumulation of excess fat in the body and determines obesity as the excessive level of healthy level of fat in the body. Obesitynot only an aesthetic problem, but also can cause many serious health problems such as heart diseases, diabetes and cancer.

Global Obesity Increase

As of 2021, it was emphasized that almost half of the adults around the world were overweight or obese, and since 1990, obesity rates have doubled in both men and women. Researchers say that if the current trends continue, obesity rates will reach 57.4 percent for men and 60.3 percent in women.

Obesity increase in young people

The research predicts that obesity will increase especially between young people and young adults. As of 2050, the number of obese young people is expected to reach 360 million worldwide. This poses a great threat to public health. Childhood obesity can cause more serious health problems in later ages.


Factors that trigger obesity

Increasing fast food consumption, still lifestyle and unhealthy habits in developed and developing countries play an important role in the spread of obesity. Researchers say that the consumption of high -calorie foods and sugary drinks can be counted among the biggest factors that fuel obesity.


Obesity is mostly China, India and USAWill affect

According to the findings of the study, as of 2050, obesity is among the most common countries. Chinese, India And the US stands out. Population growth and lifestyle changes in these countries will lead to an increase in obesity rates.


Measures to be taken against obesity

It is of great importance to strengthen public health policies for healthy eating habits, regular exercise and obesity.

This study, published in the magazine “The Lancet”, once again reveals that obesity continues to become a global health problem and that this problem should be prevented by measures to be taken.
