Jonna Sundling is stopped from going all distances in the World Cup in Trondheim

Jonna Sundling really wanted to go 10 km classic in the World Cup.
But the national team stops her from the race – even though she could have taken another medal considering the form she is in.
– It is we who decide anyway, says national team manager Anders Byström to SVT Sport.

Jonna Sundling30, is roasting and has already picked a gold in sprint and, a little more surprising, a bronze in the skiathlon during the World Cup in Trondheim. Hopefully the star has more medals to download in Norway.

Sundling already has two World Cup medals

Last Thursday there was really no talk. The World Cup gold was going to Jonna Sundling, the world’s given sprint queen. Third straight World Cup gold at the distance, after Oberstdorf 2021 and Planica 2023, and also her fourth straight championship gold in sprint.
– Four straight championships for Jonna Sundling. She is the biggest skier in Sweden right now … or through the ages I think. Winning four straight sprints is so hard to do. Fantastic!, Said the national team manager Anders Byström Immediately after the race.

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Last Sunday it was time again. Somewhat more surprising it became a bronze in the skiathlon (20 km), before big stars like Frida Karlsson and Heidi Weng. She was a long time with and fed the gold together with Ebba Andersson and Therese Johaugbut after falling at the end, the opportunity disappeared.

Jonna Sundling is petted in the race

A red hot Jonna Sundling should also be able to be competitive at 10 km classic that runs on Tuesday. She said before the championship that she wanted to “run everything at the World Cup”. But the national team management chooses to ignore her will. They poke her in favor of Frida Karlsson, Ebba Andersson, Emma Ribom and Moa Ilar. This despite the fact that they themselves realize that she could end up on the podium again.
– It is tickling to have Jonna, but it is clear that we are thinking about what is coming on Wednesday, says Anders Byström to Sportbladet.

Read more: Swedish play: Jonna Sundling is not the best ever

The petition is because they want Jonna spike and fresh to the team sprint on Wednesday, where she is guaranteed one of two places in the team. Probably she runs in with Maja Dahlqvist Which also stands over 10 km classic.
– We have been thinking about this. Jonna could have been a medal candidate. It is we who decide anyway. We want her to go fast on Wednesday. We are the reigning champion there and I think that both Jonna and the one she will compete with are very sucking on gold. It is important to be fresh for that team sprint is tough. We must be ready for it, he says.

How do you think they go for the Swedish ladies in 10 km classic style? Will it be gold for Frida Karlsson at the favorite distance? Can Ebba Andersson take a new gold? Feel free to comment!

