Last chance for owners: this too little known tax reduction was extended at the last minute

Last chance for owners this too little known tax reduction

Enough to save money for all owners who rent their good in this way.

Often, when it comes to taxes, most taxpayers seek to pay as little as possible. It must be said that this represents a significant burden in the household budget. Reducing their amount thus makes it possible to preserve its purchasing power, but also to save or invest in personal projects. This is why, it is interesting to look at the tax systems put in place by the State. In this area, you undoubtedly know the reductions and tax credits linked to daily expenses (child care, home employment, etc.), donations to associations, or tax -free financial investments. But did you know that a tax reduction also exists for owners rented for housing?

This system, far from being known by all, was established in 2022 and was initially disappeared on December 31, 2024. Except that the finance law for 2025 decided to extend it until 2027. These are loc’vagantages. Concretely, the owners can benefit from a tax reduction if they rent their accommodation to rent lower than market prices. As explained by the website of the Ministry of the Economy, “The lower the rent, the higher the tax reduction”.

For once, it is calculated according to the amount of the rent and whether or not the property is managed by a real estate agency. Depending on these criteria, the reduction can range from 15 to 65%. “If you use rental intermediation, you benefit from a higher tax reduction”specify the authorities. In this specific case, if the rent for your rental is 40% or 65% lower than market prices, the owner can obtain 1,000 euros if it is a rental or sublet, or 2,000 euros in the event of recourse to a management mandate. She is “increased by 1,000 euros if the surface of the accommodation is less than or equal to 40 m²”.

In return, to take advantage of this system, the owner must sign an agreement with the National Housing Agency (ANAH) and rent his property to households with modest income. For their part, the latter must respect resource ceilings, which vary according to the composition of the home (alone, as a couple, with or without children) and the location of the accommodation. Once all the boxes are checked, the owner just has to submit his file on the dedicated platform and to be guided.
