Suvi Minkkinen and Tero Seppälä to victory in the invitation competition at the Stockholm Olympic Stadium | In a brief sport

Suvi Minkkinen and Tero Seppala to victory in the invitation

Suvi Minkkinen and Tero Seppälä shot a great shot in the competition.

3.3. 20: 56 • Updated 3.3. 22:33

Suvi Minkkinen and Tero Seppälä Won the biathlon pair in a show -like invitation competition at the Stockholm Olympic Stadium.

There were many best biathlons in the world. There was plenty of audience and the atmosphere was good.

Minkkinen and Seppälä shot a great shot in the finals. They only investigated the competition with five spare cartridges.

Seppälä left the Swedish anchor Martin Ponsiluoma The last part of the shooting sites behind. In the final round at the stadium, the Swede got close, but not over. In addition to Ponsiluoma, the Swedish team had Hanna Öberg.

First there were two rounds of the competition, of which only the winners went straight to the finals and six teams based on time.

Finland in the second round had to use a lot of spare cartridges and would not have survived the finals, but the third teams were left out, so Finland got involved. In the finals, Finland then went much better.

Minkkinen and Seppälä acknowledged about EUR 14,000 in their victory.

– We made a bad competition in the right place (first round). The atmosphere was incredible. This was my first show competition and I really liked it, Minkkinen said in an interview after the competition.

– The last round was difficult. My feet were shaking and the technique was bad, but it was enough, Seppälä said.

Minkkinen and Seppälä also won a couple of cavities in the World Cup in Oberhof in January.
