The spring entrance means high pollen levels in several parts of the country.
Al and Hassel blooms too full and are expected to increase substantially a week – and already the symptoms can be felt.
– The season starts properly, says pollen expert Agneta Ekebom.
Spring has arrived and high temperatures are expected in large parts of the country. In Götaland and Svealand it can be up to 15 degrees – which means that even the pollen bloom now gets a tear start, according to Agneta Ekebom, pollen expert at the Natural History Museum.
– It will increase now when it gets hot, the season starts properly, she tells TV4 News.
Rising levels a week
The warm weather seems to last during the week, which causes the pollen levels to increase rapidly in especially Götaland and southern Svealand.
– The levels are rising within the next few days, it’s a little early, the levels usually rise a little later.
According to Agneta Ekebom, it is Al and Hassel that is now starting to bloom a lot. About 30 percent of the population in Sweden suffers from pollen allergy and can thus have a difficult time to come.
The high season later
The al and hazel blooms started already in January and within the next few weeks there will be full flowering throughout the country. However, the levels are not higher than last year.
– The heat will cause flowering to gain momentum, says Agneta Ekebom.
The high season is expected to take off at the end of April and extends a few weeks as the birch blooms.
– Björk is the biggest concern for most people and more will feel the allergy.