(Finance) – “Public finance is in a better condition than expected”. It is the comment of the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti At the exit of the Istat data relating to PIL and public finances, which defines “comforting” and a source of “satisfaction” for the executive.
The Statistics Institute, in fact, confirmed a GDP growth of 0.7% in 2024while the relationship Deficit/GDP has been at -3.4% From -7.2% in 2023. The primary balance (net debt less expenditure for interest) was equal to +0.4% (-3.6% in 2023).
“The primary surplus certified today by Istat is one moral satisfaction. Growth corresponds to what we had updated in December “, underlines Giorgetti, adding” We cannot stop, Now the challenge is growth in a very problematic contextnot only Italian, but which involves all of Europe “.
Not so optimistic the associations of companies and consumers. According to theUNC “The country remains blocked, with the GDP always growing in the usual zero point” https://www.Finance.it/detaglionews/41_2025-03-03_TLB/. “The serious fact is that, Despite all the money of the PNRR, you grow very little” – It is underlined – if we consider that the expenditure of consumers represents, in concatenated values, 55.56% of the whole GDP, it is clear that until the Italians are rewrited, at 50% less wealthy than the population, GDP will always increase asphyxiatedly” “.
For the Codaconsthe data “attest once again the failure to restart consumption in Italy“, but” what arouses particular concern is how families have changed their consumption “, eliminating the unnecessary. Hence,” the need for intervene with effective measures To restart internal consumption, which represent the real engine of our economy “.
Confesercenti judges the data on the spending of families “Definitely under expectations” And he notes that “the decrease in inflation has failed to translate into an acceleration of the expense, confirming the great prudence that today imprints the consumption choices of the families” https://www.Finance.it/detaglionews/41_2025-03-03_TLB/. “In light of these data, it seems to us urgent resume the path of the tax reformand prevent the fiscal drag from continuing to bite the recovery of purchasing power due to contractual renewals, “he concludes.