When you take a bus, many people do not think that it, just like a car is a vehicle. In Sweden, it is a team to have a belt on when both car and bus.
But now a sample showed by the bus company Nobina that of 11,694 passengers only 76 used the belt – a share of 0.65 percent.
By law one must have a belt if there is
60 percent of all SL buses in Stockholm provide opportunities to use a belt. And according to the law, a belt should be used if it is possible to fasten.
You can thus be fined if you go with an SL bus or other bus in public transport and do not stuck.
– This means that you can be fined during a police check. SL can also reject travelers who do not use the belt, says Elin Lindström, press communicator at SL to In the middle.
Read more: Big Test: Here is Stockholm’s best Semla 2025
Elderly and young people the worst at stuck
According to a previous survey, many travelers are not even aware that it is law to have a belt on the bus if there is.
Those who are the worst at stuck up are young people and the elderly, according to a report from Swedish public transport, Writes Mitt i.
– We at SL have tried to get better. We place higher demands on the new agreements that the buses should have pre -recorded exclamations several times during the trip: “Remember to put on your belt”. But the responsibility to follow the law lies with each individual, says Elin Lindström to In the middle.
Anyone who does not wear a belt risks a fine of SEK 1,500.
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