The damages of cigarettes do not end with counting! Specialist doctor warned: “Oral cancer increases the risk of 8 times”

The damages of cigarettes do not end with counting Specialist

Underlining that oral health is directly effective on general health. Dr. Özlem Özer Yücel, Green Crescent Weekin cigarette He emphasized that awareness should be raised in the society against the negative effects of its use.

Especially gingivaltooth loss and oral cancer Smoking, which is one of the main causes of diseases such as, stands out as an important factor that threatens the health of individuals.

“The risk of oral cancer is 8 times more”

Prof. Dr. Ozlem Ozer Yucel, Green Crescent Week in the scope of the use of a great threat to the use of tobacco use made statements about the use of tobacco. Stating that the use of tobacco is caused by important health problems such as gingival withdrawal, dental loss, oral cancer. Dr. Yucel, “the risk of oral cancer in smokers, 8 times more than those who do not drink,” he said.

“Negatively affects the healing process of dental treatments”

Tobacco use, the weakening of the tissues surrounding the teeth, the weakening of the gum withdrawal and the long -term time in the mouth of the teeth may cause shortening. Dr. Ozlem Ozer Yucel, “Tobacco increases the accumulation of plaque in the mouth, leads to inflammation of the gums and is one of the most important factors causing tooth loss. Smoking individuals are more.


“Early diagnosis and regular dentist controls are important”

Prof. Dr. Özlem Özer Yücel, “toxic and carcinogenic substances in the content, causing cellular damage to the oral tissues increases the risk of cancer development. Smoking individuals are about 8 times higher than the risk of oral cancer than those who do not drink. The process of healing in individuals who smokes slows down, early diagnosis and regular dental controls are vital.” he said.

“If smoking is left, the progression of gum diseases may stop”

Emphasizing the importance of abandonment of tobacco use on oral and dental health. Dr. Özlem Özer Yücel, “Smoking can stop the progression of gum diseases and significantly reduce the risk of loss of teeth. In addition, regular dentist controls, oral hygiene, and a healthy diet plays an important role in maintaining gum health,” he said.


“Healthy mouth is the basis of life”

Emphasizing that protecting oral health and preventing tooth loss is a critical element for general health and that tobacco products should be avoided. Dr. Özlem Özer Yücel, “a healthy mouth is the foundation of a healthy life,” he said.


