Paris 2024: Seven people tried for cyberbling of the director of Thomas Jolly ceremonies

Paris 2024 Seven people tried for cyberbling of the director

Seven people will be tried on Wednesday February 5 in Paris for cyberharceled on the conductor of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024. Aged 22 to 79 years old, six men and a woman will appear for “reiterated death threats, cyberbill and worse insults due to the sexual orientation or ». Thomas Jolly, 43, had filed a complaint on July 31, a few days after the opening of the Games, saying “to be the target, on social networks, threats and insults of a homophone or anti -Semitic nature”, said the prosecution. The investigation made it possible to carry out seven arrests in October in the Paris region and in the south of France. While the creativity of the opening ceremony was praised by many spectators in France and abroad, the painting entitled “Festivity” fueled a controversy last summer in conservative and far -right circles. The painting, representing an attributed group, including several drag queens, was interpreted by some as a mocking parody of the last meal of Jesus with his apostles, the Last Supper. Thomas Jolly had denied any desire to shock and explained that he wanted to represent a “great pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus”. Haine messages against him had multiplied.
