In a strategy of “graduated response” against Algeria, France is preparing a list of “several hundred” of Algerian nationals with “dangerous profiles”, which she wishes to send back to Algeria, Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau said on Monday March 3.
In the midst of a crisis between Paris and Algiers, “we are establishing a list of several hundred people who have dangerous profiles”, “of course, they do not all have the same dangerousness”, and “these people, which it is established that they are Algerian nationals, we will present them to the Algerians” to ask them to take them back, he said on RMC/BFMTV.
These individuals present a danger “because they have committed disorders to public order or because they appear in our file of radicalized for terrorism,” said Bruno Retailleau. And the reaction of Algeria at this request, “it will be the test of truth,” he said.
“Protect the French”
“My mission,” argued the minister, “she is to protect the French and I do not want what happened in Mulhouse will happen tomorrow […] In Mulhouse, a terrorist killed a man who was a Portuguese national. He should have been in Algeria. We had presented it on multiple times to the Algerians who had refused it, “he continued.
“What I want is that Algeria, once again to guarantee the security of the French, resumes its nationals, in accordance with international law,” said the one who is also a candidate for the president of LR. Because, he hammered, “Algeria does not respect, in a unilateral way, international agreements”: the International Convention of Chicago of 1944 and especially the agreement concluded with France in 1994, according to which “an Algerian national must be accepted by Algeria”.
Asked about the granting by the Ministry of the Interior of Visas for the time of Ramadan to imams coming mainly from Morocco but also sometimes from Algeria, the Minister judged that “there is no paradox”. “It is Ramadan and we have granted for decades for decades to imams, psalmoders, who come for 40 days” and “are strictly controlled”, developed Bruno Retailleau, saying to prefer “people who come on a short period rather than some who proclaim imams and who hold hate speeches”.
“What the national rally does not see is that if we put obstacles to worship for compatriots who respect the principles of the Republic, we would in reality dig separatism and we would tip them out on the wrong side of the barrier,” he said.
The Minister of the Interior assumed on Sunday, in an interview with Figarothe establishment of a “graduated response” against Algeria. “This graduated response is the most effective,” he said. “It first makes it possible to go to individual measures, in particular vis-à-vis members of the Algerian nomenklatura”.