Google has secretly installed this application on your smartphone: it scans all your photos

Google has secretly installed this application on your smartphone it

Google thought that its stratagem would go unnoticed, but this application discreetly downloaded in the back of users was noticed and questioned.

Google recently installed a brand new application on your Android smartphones. Entitled “Android System Safetycore”, the software has discreetly downloaded in your device without even being able to give your opinion. According to Google, this is a “Component of the Android system which provides an infrastructure for protecting user confidentiality”.

Despite the security promises displayed by Google, “Android System Safetycore” presents itself as a “spy software” according to several analyzes, relayed By Forbes magazine. The anger aroused by “Android System Safetycore” comes, at the base, from a Simple post X (Formerly Twitter) denouncing Google’s deception: “Alert. Google secretly installed this application without the permission of its users […]. She can scan in the photos of your gallery and occupies 2 GB “. A revelation which has not gone unnoticed and which has aroused great distrust of the application. Is it justified?


In fact, “Android System Safetycore” aims to protect you. For example, the application filters your messages received via Google Messages, by identifying the potential spam, threats or even images hitting sensitivity. It is therefore a kind of filters to protect you from images deemed sensitive, a very appreciable function.

However, the possibility given to analyze the photos received or sent arouse skepticism and questions. Even if the intention can be good, how can Google talk about safety and transparency when it installs an application in the back of its customers, thus judge certain experts?

The “Android System Safetycore” application is also difficult to find on your smartphone, since it is not stored alongside other software and it has no logo. The only way to spot it is to go to your device settings.

If you want to get rid of “Android System Safetycore”, you need to run a quick manipulation. Go to Settings> Applications> All apps. You will then select the controversial software and click on “Uninstall”. Deactivation is immediate. Some users have noticed that even uninstalled, “Android System Safetycore” could arise again on your smartphone after a new system update. This time impossible to counter Google’s ambitions: you will be forced, again, to uninstall the application.

For its part, Google reacted to the situation with Forbes magazine: “Google system services automatically update your device with new features. Some updates are provided via system services. This maintains confidentiality, security and data insulation. As part of Google’s continuous investment in the transparency of its products, we have added binary transparency to these Google systems applications.” Without more details …
