Will well baked be taken back? Pågen answers

Will well baked be taken back Pagen answers

Two weeks have passed since the Pågen sold out on their last loaves of the bread of “good baked”. The bread has gone out of the range and will no longer be able to be purchased in stores.

“Good baked” has been in Swedish grocery stores for over 40 years and the missing is great.

Read more: Pågen’s classics stop selling – after 40 years

Pågen removed “well baked” – after 40 years

On Facebook has the group “We who want to have back Pågens good baked” formed and has at the time of writing just over a thousand members. There, dissatisfied customers have gathered and requested that Pågen take back the classic group.

There, among other things, answers from Pågen have been shared about why “well baked” stopped selling, calls for boycotts by Pågen and name collections to take back the bread.

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Read more: Customers are raging toward Pågen

Despite the great commitment that customers have shown, the reason why Pågen stopped selling “well baked” a low demand.

– The bread has ceased to be manufactured as the demand for the bread is no longer so great in our consumers. When we decide to take out a bread from the range, it is due to low sales volumes, have Caroline Geijerpress officer at Pågen, said in a previous interview with News24.

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Pågen replies: Therefore, “good baked” was removed

The great interest on the customers has not avoided the Pågen.

– We are obviously very grateful for the commitment that is shown for Pågen’s bread and in this case well baked, says Caroline Geijer to News24.

She further explains that a number of consumer tests are being done on Pågen’s bread before they come out in the stores, and that it is such a type of consumer test that is behind the decision to remove “well baked”.

– Each bread is ongoing and well baked has been evaluated for a long time, says Geijer and continues:

– Sales and consumer trends are what drives Pågen’s development of assortment.

Read more: Customers boycott these goods
