(Finance) – On the proposal of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Safety Gilberto Pichetto Fratinthe Council of Ministers approved one Delegated law of the Government on the new sustainable nuclear nuclear power. The goal is to regulate the production of energy through the new modules, the dismantling of the old central, the management of waste and fuel exhausted, research and development on merger energy, reorganization skills and functions.
“With new generation nuclear power, together with renewables – he explains Pichetto Fratin – We will be able to achieve the objectives of the decarbonisation, guaranteeing full energy safety of the country. Thus Italy is ready to face the challenges of the future “.
The measure – underlines the Ministry in a note – aims to achieve, with the contribution of this innovative source of energy, characterized by being “green”, programmable and continuous, the “targets” of decarbonisation and energy safety, as outlined by the integrated National Plan of energy and climate. The new nuclear must ensure sufficient energy at affordable priceswith a containment of energy costs and the strengthening of system competitiveness.
The delegation provides that the government adopts a series of legislative decrees, within 12 months from the entry into force, to organize the entire life cycle of the new sustainable energy in an organic way, through the drafting of a national program: from the experimentation, location, construction and exercise of the new modules to the theme of the manufacture and reprocessing of the fuel which will be addressed in a vision of circular economy.
It will also be intervened on the deactivation and dismantling of existing systems, waste management and exhausted fuel, research, development and use of merger energy, the reorganization of skills and functions, also with the establishment of a Independent authority for safety, supervision and control. The delegation will also serve to provide for training and information tools, train new technicians and professional figures in the sector, identify benefits for the territories concerned.
“With the Bollette Decree – he continues Pichetto Fratin – Let’s give help that citizens will feel concretely already in the coming weeks. But we also have a great responsibility for future generations. We must guarantee their cleaner, cheaper and safe energy for an Italy that wants to grow and be more competitive. And this is the meaning of the delegation on nuclear power that we have approved today. It is an ambitious project on which we are open to compare ourselves with all those who, beyond any ideological approach, really have the future, the safety and growth of the country at heart “.