From the small town of Regnsjö, outside Bollnäs in Greetingland, the journey went to Stockholm on Saturday. Here she and the family got the chance for a little sightseeing and on Sunday it was time to visit News Morning’s studio.
“I’m very happy, it’s exciting,” Wanphen said before she would start scratching live.
Not a single box shows the minimum amount SEK 100,000 and when the last box is scraped, Wanphen can only breathe.
– SEK 2.5 million! What fun – congratulations! How does it feel? says program manager Jenny Alversjö.
– It feels great, it feels great, answers a shocked Wanphen.
– It is enough for a lot of trips, says Jenny.
Wanphen has in a small talk before the scraping revealed that she loves to travel to warm countries and especially to Thailand.