Here Wanphen wins Millions at Triss in News Morning

From the small town of Regnsjö, outside Bollnäs in Greetingland, the journey went to Stockholm on Saturday. Here she and the family got the chance for a little sightseeing and on Sunday it was time to visit News Morning’s studio.

“I’m very happy, it’s exciting,” Wanphen said before she would start scratching live.

Not a single box shows the minimum amount SEK 100,000 and when the last box is scraped, Wanphen can only breathe.

– SEK 2.5 million! What fun – congratulations! How does it feel? says program manager Jenny Alversjö.

– It feels great, it feels great, answers a shocked Wanphen.

– It is enough for a lot of trips, says Jenny.

Wanphen has in a small talk before the scraping revealed that she loves to travel to warm countries and especially to Thailand.
