Active Shooter Situation Resolved on Walpole Island; Heavy Police presence

Active Shooter Situation Resolved on Walpole Island Heavy Police presence

What Walpole Island First Nation Officials say was “Active Shooter” Situation in the Community on Sunday has been given the All Clear.


A notice on the walpole island council’s facebook page Sunday Morning Around 10:30 am am statéd: “There is currently an active shoot situation on walpole island.”

The Post Added the Bridge was closed.

OPP WEST REGION posted on ‘X’ Advising WALPOLE ISLAND RESIDENTS TO Shelter in Place While Lambton Opp and Members of the Walpole Island Police Service WERE CONDUCTING A “WEAPONS-RELATED” Investigation on the island.

VEHICLES WEE Being Allowed to Come ONTO WALPOLE ISLAND WHEN THE Chatham DAILY NEWS AROUND NOON HOUR, But Lambton Opp Had A Spot Check Set Up Speaking With People in Vehicles AS THE LEFT THE ISLAND.

VEHIX LEAVING WALPOLE ISLAND FIRST NATION NATION WEE Being Stopped Ontario Provincial Police WHILE A Search for Person of Interest in a Weapons-Related Investigation Took Place Sunday. Photo Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News JPG, CD, APSMC

An OPP Helicopter was also Circling Over Areas on the Island and Several Members of the Opp Tactical Unit Were On Scene.


The tactical office entered a number of vehicles that all left from the Thunder Bird Plaza Located Just Over the Bridge Onto the Island.

A short time Later, Chiefs Road South Between Altiman Road and Shipman Lane was blocked year.

A post on x from Oppo West Region after 2 pm stated a hold and secure/shelter-in-place was lifted, but there would continue to be increased police presence in the area.

Shortly before 3 pm A Social Media Post by Walpole Island Nation Chief Leela Thomas Stated Police “Were Able to Apprehend the Suspect, and WE WERE GIVEN THE ALL CLEAR.”

Thomas Added No One was Hurt.

Active Shooter, Walpole Island First Nation, OPP
An Ontario Provincial Police Helicopter is Seen During a Search for Person of Interest During A Weapons-Related Investigation That Took Place on Walpole Island First Nation Sunday. Photo Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News JPG, CD, APSMC

“There are certain areas of the reserve that they (police) want to keep everyone away from, but Otherwise we all good now,” The chief Said.


“Miigwech to our police and the Opp for their hard work and Migwech for all the tips that help to apphend the suspects,” Thomas Added.

A Resident, who Did not give her name, Said She was making breakfast around 9:30 am Sunday when “I Saw a Flash Go by and I Thought, ‘Holy that because Really Going Quick.’”

Active Shooter, Walpole Island First Nation, OPP
VEHICLES FILLED With the Ontario Provincial Police Tactical Officers Leave to Search for Person of Interest During A Weapons-Related Investigation That Took Place On Walpole Island First Nation Sunday. Photo Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News JPG, CD, APSMC

She kept a watch out and then saw an opponent pass by that was coming from the back roads.

“I want to say i was that that concerned (at first), but when i saw the helpopter go over the house, i thought, ‘Why are they going over the house?'”

Another Resident, who Didn’t Want His Name Used, was surprised to hear local officials we report it as an active shoot situation.

“The Thought of an Active Shooter in this Community is Unheard of for the Most Part,” He Said.

The man said there have been incidents with weapons in the past, but you don hear about it often.

“For the Most Part, Everybody Around here Gets Along.”

Active Shooter, Walpole Island First Nation, OPP
A Vehicle with Ontario Provincial Police Tactical Officers Leaves to Search for Person of Interest During A Weapons-Related Investigation That Took Place on Walpole Island First Nation Sunday. Photo Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News JPG, CD, APSMC

Another Resident, who also Didn’t Her Name Used, was tooking the situation in stride.

“I Didn’t Worry About It, I Went to Church,” She Said.

Noting She was worry, the woman Said Shel Figured the Police “Will Catch’em.”

The Chatham Daily News Will Update this story when more information is available from Police.

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