The nurse Dyako Ghafoor is expelled: “Don’t understand”

Dyako Ghafoor and his family came to Sweden in 2016, when his father was granted a work permit and the family was granted a permit. When the residence permits expired, they applied for an extension in 2021, but it was until 2024 before they received an answer. The family was then rejected.

– The Migration Board’s argument is that my dad has earned too little, which is not true, he has earned across the border every month. And since we have no connection to society, even though we have educated ourselves, we have also not been entitled to study funding so we have worked all the time and support ourselves, says Dyako Ghafoor.

He has worked as a nurse in Kristianstad since he graduated this summer. There, colleagues have been supportive in the process of appealing the deportation decision and threatened to resign if he is not allowed to stay, Which Kristianstadsbladet has reported.

– I feel very proud that I have acquired the impression of my colleagues and patients that they stand up for me, says Dyako Ghafoor.

“You don’t really understand what it is required”

Dyako Ghafoor experiences frustration over the situation.

– I work as a nurse, I save lives, I hold the patients in my most difficult moments, but it does not count as we have made an adaptation. So you get very disappointed, you don’t really understand what it really is, he says.

Now that the family has been denied the trial permit, which means that the Migration Tribunal has decided that you will not look at the case again, they must leave Sweden before March 30.

– It feels very sad, it is very emotional. You do not understand exactly what is missing, even though we have proof of everything, we have tried to adapt to society by paying taxes and educating us and being part of society, says Dyako Ghafoor.

Local politician: “System errors, hair -raising and absurd”

Several local politicians in Kristianstad have also been involved in the issue, reports Kristianstadsbladetincluding Vice Chairman of the Regional Board of Skåne, Gilbert Tribo.

– I think it’s disastrous how this is handled. That we educate people in Sweden, not least to the shortcomings, and then they must not remain when we have trained them. It is a system error, hair -raising and absurd. I understand that there is a regulatory framework, but here it must be for individual trials. This is humanly completely disastrous, and also a waste of tax assets, says Gilbert Tribo (L) to the newspaper.

The Migration Board responded in April 2024, when the decision was first made, that the background to the decision is that Dyako came here as a family immigrant to his father, who is not considered to achieve the supply requirements.

– In Sweden, the main rule is that work permits should be granted even before entering the country. Sometimes you can make exceptions, but not in this case. It has been judged here that the father does not meet the requirements for his work permit. Then the basics of the family, which are part of his state, also fall. Then there is nothing else to do but searching from the home country, the unit manager Laila Hellberg Rosenberg then told Kristianstadsbladet.
