Banca Popolare Pugliese, the 2024 profit drops to 19 million. Dividend of 0.15 euros

Banco di Sardegna useful 2024 growing with bibanca capital gain

(Finance) – Banca Popolare Pugliese has closed 2024 with a net profit equal to 19.06 million euros, compared to 22.10 million to 31 December 2023. The margin of interest As of 31 December 2024, it stands at 121.69 million (133.15 million 31 December 2023) and the intermediation margin at 165.27 million (171.06 million on 31 December 2023). The structure costs amount to 107.89 million euros, in a decrease of 4.21 million (-3.76%), the value adjustments for credit risk on financial activities and the provisions are equal to 28.05 million (+12.86%).

THE Net credits to customers ordinary amount, at 31 December to 3,184 million euros and record, compared to the same period of the previous year, an increase of 45.20 million euros (+1.44%). THE gross deteriorated creditsequal to 200 million euros, represent 6.09% of the total amount of credits (at 31 December 2023 240 million euros respectively and 7.31% respectively). The roofing rate as at 31 December 2024 is aimed at 42.18% and that of suffering credits at 55.80%.

There Overall collection of customersequal to 5,390 million, is increased by approximately 135.39 million compared to 31 December 2023 (+2.58%); Direct collection recorded an increase of 83.56 million compared to the end of 2023 (+ 2.15%) and indirect collection an increase of 51.83 million compared to 31 December 2023 (+ 3.8%).

The bank confirms its patrimonial solidity, with the property indices which are placed on high levels with CET1, Tier1 and Total Capitio Ratio respectively 19.877 % (Phase In) and 19.770 % (Fully Loaded), well above the minimum regulatory required.

The Board of Directors has decided to propose the distribution of a dividend of 0.15 euros per share.

“The goal for 2025, the last year of the industrial plan, is to consolidate the results obtained and further improve organizational efficiency, risk management (including climatic and environmental ones) and attention to the customer”, says the General Manager Mauro Buscicchio.

“The results achieved allow us to look with sufficient optimism to the future, despite the hope that the economic context, already uncertain due to the ongoing conflicts and of stunted growth, will not be further damaged by the war of duties and by a possible increase in the prices of energy subjects”, says the President Vito Antonio Primiceri.
