Landmark Sculptures Built for Cannstruction in Sarnia

Landmark Sculptures Built for Cannstruction in Sarnia

When it comes to build themed sculptures out of non-perishable items, the most important thing Thing is planning.

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So Says Mike Edgar, East Natural Gas Liquids Manager with Pembina Pipelines in Sarnia. He’s a Multi-Year Veteran of Cannstruction, A Food and Funds Drive for the Inn of the Good Shepherd Food Bank.

“Planning is Key,” He Said Saturday, As His Team Worked On Scene of London, Uk Landmarks for Their Submission in this Year’s Event.

Building Planning for a Version of the Famous Elizabeth Tower Housing Big Ben, A Union Jack, A Double-Decker Bus and the London Eye Was Meticulous via Planning Engineer Alex Strachan, He Said.

The Team also Makes Careful Use of Labels and Colors to make the Design Pop, He Said, Noting the Effect is amplified when Looking Through a Camera Lens.

“It’s Such a Great Event,” Edgar Said, About Pembina’s Involve for more than a decade.

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“Very fun event but very meaningful for the community.”

About 2,200 people per month access the food bank, Said Inn Executive Director Myles Vanni, Noting that’s up 20 per hundred from a Year Earlier, and donations have been down Amid the rising cost of living.

Cannstruction, where Teams use Donated Food for Their Designs, and Members of the public vote with their wallets for their favourite sculpture, Last Year Raised About a Month’s Supply, He Said.

Sarnia usally Ranks in the top 25 per cent of Cannights Internationally for Food and Funds Raised, and Last Year Raised 56,000 Pounds (25,400 kilograms) of Food, and $ 20,000 through sponsorships and donations, Officials Said.

That was an up year, vanni said.

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The Number of Teams This Year, at Nine, is down Slightly from the 12 that Took Part in 2024, He Said Saturday.

Team Lamsar with their Roman Colosseum Homage, Built from Non-Perishable Food Items, March 1, 2025 at Lambton Mall in Sarnia. The Team is one of nine in this year’s cannstruction event. (Tyler Kula/ The Observer) JPG, SO, APSMC

“But the structures are really big, so we’re hoping it will be a similar love of food.”

Changing the Theme Annually Keeps Sculpture variety Fresh, He Said. This Year’s is Landmarks.

A First-time Team from Lamsar, One of Two New Teams in Competition, Vanni Said, was among the first to get their built saturday.

The Roman Colosseum Homage-Called the ‘Can-Ossum’-Included about 2,000 items, and the Team Planned Out where Everything Would Go in Advance, Said Kaylyn Cross, An Assistant Project Manager with the Sarnia Company.

“It’s a great opportunity for our community to give back,” She Said about the team getting Involved.

“It’s something fun too.”

The Structures Stay Up Up Upper March 18, and people can make donations for their favourites at the structures, or by visiting, vanni said.

The top fundraiser wins people’s choice, he said.

Returning this year, Charity Officials Are Hiding at Miniature Tinny Mascot in Three Structures for March Break, He Said.

“Kids can explore, Find Tinny” and Fill Out Ballots at Customer Service for a Draw for One of Three Toy Baskets, He Said.

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