Going away several times to buy food is something that belongs to many Swedes’ everyday lives. The milk always ends faster than thought, someone has taken the last milk without saying, food boxes should be made and the weekend mice should be fixed.
In other words, there are many reasons to take some spontaneous tours between the big documents.
But there are some occasional things that you as a customer are happy to think about for their spontaneous visits you make at the store.
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Anna Winbladstore employee at ICA Tegelplan in Östersund told News24 that the phenomenon ‘to go in and shop for three minutes before it closes’ rarely does anything. But that the really lengthy customers can actually result in the need to change the schedule.
Many Swedes will be shopping at ICA sometime in their lives. Image source: Henrik Montgomery / TT
– If you take a milk package and go to the checkout, there is of course no problem. But when there are many while lingering for a while, those who work can be forced to stay for a very long time to be able to fix everything that must be fixed after closing. By law, there must have been some time between the job pass and so on so sometimes it has simply become so that we have to change the schedule so that everything is handled correctly, she concluded.
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“Going in quickly and grabbing a package of milk before it closes is no danger”. Image jaw: Henrik Montgomery / TT
Another common phenomenon that the employees at grocery stores also want to see as a small unwritten rule is this in leaving goods in some strange places in the store.
– If you realize that you should not have sausage bread and throw it down among the oranges, it is not so dangerous. But you should not like to put things that should not lie in the freezer – in the freezer, or things that should be in the freezer – outside the freezer, a store manager told us for News24.
But now we come to an unwritten rule on which it is actually possible to make exceptions. And it has to do with animals
These dogs should always get into ICA
We have all seen that there are often one or more cute dogs connected outside the grocery stores we shop on. According to ICA Sweden, the rules around animals at the store are varying from store to store, but in most cases you do not want to see dogs or other animals enter the stores for at least two reasons, the first of which is for hygiene reasons.
Many people are forced to connect their small hairballs outside the grocery stores when they go in and shop. Image source: Hasse Holmberg/TT
The other is about allergy.
-ICA is not a wholly owned chain, but each ICA store is owned by an ICA trader who is a own entrepreneur and is responsible for its own store. One reason is people with dog allergy, but there are certainly many more reasons that the store can answer, ”replied ICA Sweden Press.
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And yes, according to the National Food Agency, the small furlines should not be mixed with the goods inside the country’s stores.
“In other words, the main rule is that the food business owner should prevent pets staying in places where food is being prepared, handled and stored. There is an obvious risk of contamination of foods if animals were to stay in spaces where you handle open food,” writes the National Food Agency, among other things.
But here is a big exception. Namely for guide dogs or other types of assistance dogs. Allergy or not – so for discrimination reasons, they should always be allowed to enter the store.
A guide dog should always be allowed to enter the store. Image source: Kyrre Lien/TT
“The Discrimination Ombudsman believes that leadership and assistance dogs should be seen as aids. The dogs are particularly trained and are considered to be under very good control of their drivers. The number of leaders’ and assistance dogs in society is about 500 and possible risks that these dogs entail in a customer space assesses The National Food Agency as very low ”.
A curious guide dog. Image source: Tobias Röstlund/TT
The Discrimination Ombudsman believes that it could constitute discrimination under the Discrimination Act to deny a person using a leader or assistance dog access to a store or serving.
So now you know it.
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