Do you hesitate to drink the water flowing from your tap for fear of health problems? Use this official online service: it will inform you precisely about its quality in your municipality, with all the details of the analyzes!
Like everyone in France, you certainly use running water from your taps for most of your daily needs: shower, bath, laundry, WC, dishes, cleaning, etc. And probably also to wash and cook food. But you may hesitate to drink it, for health reasons, preferring to opt for bottled.
However, this solution is not at all economical. It is indeed necessary to have an average of 0.15 euros per liter for spring water and, 035 euros per liter for mineral water (see much more!) While a liter of tap water costs on average 0.00434 euros according to the report of the French Biodiversity Office. And bottled waters are not all free from health problems, some of the plastic microparticles, whose health effects are still poorly understood.
Fortunately in France, tap water, in addition to being very cheap, is particularly monitored by the health authorities and is the subject of permanent control. Regional health agencies (ARS), responsible for the health safety of food, take regular samples, throughout the year and throughout the territory, to assess the quality of tap water.
These very complete analyzes are obviously public, and with the Open Data policy (open data) carried out for several years now by state administrations and services, they have become very easily accessible. Official and free online service Allows you to consult the water analysis reports for its region, its department and even your municipality.
Although the website is a little austere, it is very easy to use and allows you to obtain in a few moments the most recent tap water analysis results for the territory of its choice. To start, just click on the desired region by clicking on the map and then, on the next page, to select its department, its municipality and its drinking water network in drop -down lists.
Once the search is carried out, the data relating to the quality of the tap water is then displayed in the form of a synthetic table and a compliance ratio relating to three aspects: bacteriological, physico-chemical and quality references. These measures give a first general indication of the quality of tap water in a municipality, and in particular its potability.
And to go further, the home quality portal’s home page brings together a large number of analysis reports bearing tap water parameters. Microbiological or radiological quality, presence of lead or nitrates, contamination to pesticides or “emerging substances” such as drugs or perfluorized compounds, almost all aspects of tap water are covered.