Congress, Bayou affair, environmentalists in turmoil

Congress Bayou affair environmentalists in turmoil

They seemed previously spared by the tensions that agitate their partners in the new Popular Front (NFP). Ecologists have displayed a certain serenity since last year and play the role of the point of balance of the Union of the Left, regularly torn apart by the conflicts between socialists and rebellious. In recent days, however, the crises are linked and the management led by Marine Tondelier vacillated.

First with this session of mea culpa media that the patron of environmentalists had to inflict this week. Marine Tondelier expressed “ his regrets On how the party managed the accusations against Julien Bayou. The complaint for moral harassment and abuse of weakness against the former leader of the Greens has indeed just been classified without follow-up … but he saw his political career explode in flight, after in particular that the environmentalists have diligent an internal investigation against him. “” It was impossible to do well in this file Tried to defend herself Marine Tondelier. Too little, too late according to her predecessor who regrets that she is not able to recognize “ his innocence ». Julien Bayou also denounces the relentlessness against him by deputy Sandrine Rousseau. However, this should keep its place in the leadership of the party at the end of the Congress of Ecologists scheduled for late April.

A brought congress

A congress which also arouses strong criticism against the current management. In particular because of the new statutes voted last year intended “ To delete Balkanization Usual environmentalists, explains MEP David Cormand, close to Marine Tondelier. Now it is simpler for the most important motion to obtain an absolute majority, which was almost impossible before. “” A democratic problem and a break with the spirit of the party “, Claim opponents, who recognize however” wake up a bit late ». “” We are going towards a lfization of ecologists », Plague a party manager, seeing the will of Marine Murpier to be inspired by authoritarian methods of Jean-Luc Mélenchon To prepare his candidacy for the presidential election.

Multiple presidential ambitions

Except that it is not the only one among environmentalists and that there too, it is problematic. Particularly with the mayor of Grenoble Éric Piolle, who will not seek a new mandate in 2026, and who would have been a good spokesperson for the party to win in media exhibition for 2027. “ This is not the principle of the position of spokesperson », Cingle David Cormand. A wise observer in the life of environmentalists prefers to laugh at him: “ ERic Piolle was very naive to believe that his former marine protégé Tondelier was going to unroll the red carpet. Now she wants to be the only one in the photo ». “” Jealousies », Do we replies in the Tondelier camp, where we know:« Some just don’t accept that it is more popular than them ». In short, good atmosphere two months from Congress.
