4aim Sicaf, in 2024 negative net result of 8.2 million euros

4AIM SICAF option offer closed AuCap of at least 347

(Finance) – 4Aim Sicaffirst Sicaf focused on investments in listed companies and quotande on Euronext Growth Milan, closed the 2024 with a net result negative of 8,224,523 euros, of which 7.001,150 attributable to the 1 listed sector and 1,223,373 attributable instead to 2 Crowdfunding sector.

Overall, the Investment management result It is negative for 5,862,127 euros (of which 5,059,082 attributable to the 1 listed and 804,045 computable to the 2 crowdfunding sector), as a result of dividends/interests on unlisted securities for 7,727, of latent minusvalences/capital gains on unlisted securities for 71,490 and minusvalences attributable to SEAR 2 for 32,405, of latent minute lowercases on portfolio securities for 4,119,847, losses from a realization for 1,701,407 and dividends made for 70,440 (entirely attributable to sector 1).

“The year saw a Important submerform of the SME compartment for technical reasons linked to the poor liquidity and the need for institutional to liquidate the positions also in strong loss and the result of the investment management has been conditioned by more than 70% by latent minute lowercases, that is, by securities still in portfolio to minimum market values ​​- said theTo Giovanni Natali – We believe that 2025 can see a recovery of the all -round SME sector favored by: descent of interest rates and from the launch of the CDP initiative in support of the market of small and medium -sized enterprises. In this regard, we have expanded the investment horizon of sector 1, also extending it to companies not EGM provided they are below the billion capitalization and in non -financial sectors “.

THE Nav values ​​on 31 December 2024 of the 1 listed and sector 2 crowdfunding sector are equal, respectively, at 142.304 euros and 200.022 euros per share. The 1 listed sector recorded a negative performance of 41.14%as at 31 December, while the 2 crowdfunding sector recorded a negative performance of 18.02%.
