The Good Food Box Provids Great, Affordable Nutrition

Each box contains a wide array of local produce, as well as a suggestéed recipe

Nutritious, Delicious Food is a Human Right. While Sufficient Sustance Provids US With the Nutrients and Nourishment we need in order to live and be healthy, access and affordability are a huge problem for many families in our communities. Parents ESPECIALLY CRAVE Being Able to Provide ADEQUATE FARE FOR THEIR CHILDREN AND THERMSELVES, as well all do, but with making ends meet with rising fuel, housing and other costs, How can people sustain a quality fresh diet?

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We know that Usage of Local Food Banks, and Those Across the Country, is skyrocketing. The Donations Made So Generously by Folks, and the Work of the Hard-Working Staff of the Local Caring Cupboard, the Daffodil Society, The West Elgin Community Health Center and Various Other Groups, Such As Churches, Goes Such A Long Way Tay Toward Filling These Awful Gaps.

The Only Limitation of Using Food Banks Exclusively is the Tendency Towards the Starchy End of Easy-to-Prepare Foods, Although Some Fresh Produce is available. I applaud the efforts of food bank staff, and their use of social media, to make the community aware of the current needs. For Those in Search of A Regular, Dependable Supply of Easily Affordable Foodstuffs, The Good Food Box Provids An Excellent Resource. Good Food Boxes Are A Result of the Co-Opti The West Elgin Community Health Center, Harvest Hands in St Thomas, Southwestern Public Health, and Several Churches in the St. Thomas Area.

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What is in a good food box? What is it? The box is bulk-buying food program Providing Healthy Foods at a discount price to anyone in Elgin County. The content does vary Somewhat with the Changing Seasons, and the Crops Avaieable, But The Most recent version abundant produce: tomatoes, sweet potatoes, red onions, cucumbers, yellow onions, garlic, carrots, parsnips, green onions, white potatoes, white jasmine rice, Beans, Peppers, Clementines, Lemons, Pears, Bananas, and Apples. We have Been Purchasing Boxes of Food from the Community Health Center for Several MONTHS, and Are Always overwhelmed by the Abunance of the Box’s Content. My Suggestion for Those Living On Their Own, or in Seniors’ Apartments, Would Be to Gather Together A Group of Two or Three “Households” to Purchase One, and then Assess if it provids for your needs or is “superfluous” (my mother’s often repeated phrase Food boxes are perfectly proportioned for a family, i think.

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Orders can be placed by Contacting Stephani Skelding at the Health Center at 519-768-1715 Ext. 2203, or [email protected] the Food Boxes must be ordered in Advance, According to following Schedule, with Pickups on Monday, Except as noted:

Order Deadlines:

  • March 14 for March 24 Delivery
  • April 11 for April 22 Delivery
  • May 9 for May 20 Delivery
  • June 13 for June 23 Delivery

Each box contains a list of the contents, the date of the next pickup, other information, and a delicious recipe that can be made using the contents of the container, with the addition of the regular ranges of pantry items. Check out a good food box soon and discover what is on offer for your table!

Please Local support Farmers who Grow Produce During the Summer MONTHS, some of Whom have roadside stands in various rental through the community. Our local Groceers also sell local produce, so check out what they have to offer. For those who are Currently Consciousness on Not Purchasing Products from the Us, Read the Labels Carefully, and I Have Just Learned that Rougement Makes Not Only Apple Juice, But Orange Juice as well, Made from Oranges Grown in Peru.

