Beyza Sürmen, nicotine addiction, for many years as a method of relief of smoking is an important habit for individuals who have adopted Surmen, “Surmen,” Surmen, “Ramadan Fasting in the month, cigarette It is only a physical test for their smokers, but also psychologically difficulties.
For individuals with nicotine addiction, smoking stands out as an indispensable habit and relaxation method for many years. The lack of smoking during the day leads to a sudden nicotine deficiency; This may show itself with symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, anxiety and distraction. During the fasting, the balance between the body and the mind can be disrupted, and the usual feeling of relaxation can be replaced by discomfort and inward conflicts caused by nicotine deprivation. This leads to increasing levels of stress in daily life and social relations, “he said.
“An opportunity for questioning and changing habits”
Sürmen, Ramadan’s smoking habits to question and change the habits of smoking, saying, saying, “Month of Ramadannot only symptoms of deprivation in smokers; It also offers an opportunity to question and change habits. The spirit of discipline and solidarity brought about by fasting contributes to the increase of personal control and strengthens the motivation to release harmful habits such as cigarettes. The sudden desire to relax after iftar has the potential to raise awareness in the fight against addiction. This period offers important opportunities in terms of implementing alternative stress management methods, strengthening social support networks and increasing inward motivation. Thus, Ramadan goes beyond being a time period in which fasting worship is fulfilled and paves the way for positive changes in quality of life, “he said.
“Conscious breathing exercises alleviate nicotine deprivation”
Saying that sudden nicotine deficiency may play a role in quitting smoking as well as disorders, Sürmen said, “Psychological fluctuations allow individuals to re -evaluate themselves in the fight against cigarette habits. In the Ramadan period, the application of alternative methods such as conscious breathing exercises, meditation or slight walking, and to develop the regular support of the nicotine. It is a complex period of cigarettes and the use of cigarettes, as well as a complex use of cigarettes. Ramadan, both spiritually and physically instrumental in the reconstruction of self -quality of the quality of life is preparing the ground for positive changes, “he said.