Samsung announced that it has developed an innovative “acromatic metalns”

South Korean -based technology giant SamsungToday, he announced in his statement that he has developed an innovative “acromatic metalns”.

The summary statement made by Samsung on the subject was as follows: “Samsung Electronics has signed a new innovation in cooperation with POHANG University of Science and Technology (Postech). With the latest technologies, the size and weight of the lenses are significantly reduced and can be used in conjunction with holographic screens, and offers less eye fatigue and high -resolution images on the new generation of future for the future. ” All the details shared by the company on the subject were as follows: “A joint research article, which provides detailed information about the innovative Akromatic Metalns developed in cooperation with Samsung Electronics and Postrronics and Postch), was published in Nature Materials. The article titled RG RGB-Acromatic Metalns that can be printed on a roll for the holographic holographic close eye screens ”includes the findings of the research conducted by Samsung and Postch’s joint team. The team, which develops an acromatic metalns that does not cause color deterioration, combined this solution with holographic screens to overcome various optical deviations. This innovation will pave the way for camera and sensor applications with compact and high quality holographic wearable devices. Dr. Samsung Research team. Professor Junsuk Rho from Seokil Moon and Postch led the study, while researchers from Postch, Minseok Choi, Joohoon Kim and Kamsoo Shin were also listed as common writers of the article.

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Metalns is a flat lens consisting of nano -scale structures that can control the light of light, which can greatly reduce size and thickness compared to traditional convex optical lenses. With these features, it has been accepted as a new generation optical component in terms of screens and camera applications, and research has been conducted on for more than a decade. In spite of their advantages, metals cause technical difficulties in developing product development due to color deviations that lead to significant image deterioration.

Previously, efforts to eliminate color deviations in metallies were based on the design of metastruxes individually and then assembled on a substrate. As a result, the mutual relations between the structures during the design phase were ignored and the final lens could not be completely reduced to color deviations.

The research team reconsidered the traditional design approach for metallies and overcome color deviations that did not diminish. In the design phase, the team successfully eliminated color deviations after the fabrication by calculating the mutual relationships between all metastruxes and designing them simultaneously. The Akromatic Metalns developed by the team, as well as eliminating color deviations, both achieve a shorter focus distance and significantly reduces the size and weight of the lens.

Metal lenses typically exhibit different optical deviations, and as the screen size increases, the image deterioration becomes worse. These problems are traditionally handled by combining multiple lens. However, the research team managed to prevent various optical deviations on the device by integrating a single acromatic metalline with a holographic screen. Thus, without deterioration, a large field of view and high quality images were obtained.

The research team also showed that the replacement of traditional optical lenses and screens by technical verification with acromatic metal lenses and holographic screens gave compact and mild results that provide less eye -catching virtual images. The findings of the study are expected to be used on winding media devices such as extended reality (XR) features.

Findings can also be used in various optical systems, including screens, cameras and sensors to improve performance and reduce the device size. Thanks to the cooperation between the industry and the Academy, Samsung has confirmed the potential to develop different optical systems of the future and provide new generation of screen technologies by confirming all processes from the conceptualization of innovative ideas. Samsung will continue its research efforts aimed at securing the groundbreaking technologies that will shape the future through the academy and other attempts with the sector leader. ”
