(Finance) – Sogefia company listed on Euronext Star Milan and operating in the car components sector (it is part of the group Cir), communicated that in 2024 The weakness of the market determined a decline in revenues of 1.7% compared to 2023 (at 1,022.3 million euros) and 4.2% excluding the exchange and inflation effects in Argentina; nevertheless, an improvement in operational results was recorded: theEbitdaequal to 125.3 million euros, increased by 16.3% compared to 2023, with an Ebitda Margin by 12.3%; theEbitequal to 45.7 million euros, it grew compared to 2023 (25.6 million), and the Ebit Margin raised to 4.5% of the turnover, compared to 2.5% in 2023; thenet profit of activities in continuity it was 18 million euros, compared to 6.4 million euros in 2023; The free cash flow It was positive for 30.4 million euros, against a cash absorption of 7.2 million euros in 2023, thanks also to non -recurring positive flows.
The transferred activities They recorded a net result of 125.9 million euros and a free cash flow of 317.9 million euros. Overall, in 2024, the group reported a net profit of 141.3 million euros and a free cash flow of 348.3 million euros.
THE’Net debt At 31 December 2024 it is equal to 55 million euros (9.5 million euros without considering debts for rights of use, according to the IFRS16 principle), in the face of a net debt of 266.1 million euros to 31 December 2023, after the payment of an ordinary dividend of 23.7 million euros and an extraordinary dividend of 109.6 million euros to the shareholders of Sognefi.
The Board of Directors will propose to the ordinary shareholders’ meeting of shareholders, convened for April 24, 2025, to allocate the net profit resulting from the financial statements at 31 December 2024, equal to 210,738,943.41 euros, by way of unitary dividend of 0.15 euros to each of the shares in circulation, for a total of 17,858,955 euros to be worth on the profit of operating 2024