“Peaceful Night” for the Pope after breathing problems

Peaceful Night for the Pope after breathing problems

See the entire 11-minute quarrel between Trump and Zelenskyj


  • “Peaceful Night” for the Pope after breathing problems

    Pope Francis has had a “peaceful night” after having acute breathing problems during Friday. People also gathered during Friday at Petersplatsen in the Vatican to pray for the Pope’s health. Photo: Andrew Medichini/AP/TT

    “Peaceful Night” for the Pope after breathing problems

    Pope Francis has had a “peaceful night” after having acute breathing problems during Friday, says the Vatican.

    The 88-year-old Pope suffers from double-sided pneumonia and has been hospitalized since February 14.

    During Friday he was placed in the respirator and the Vatican then called the situation “critically”. The pope was hit by an isolated event that led to vomiting and acutely impaired breathing, according to the Vatican.

    Doctors state that it will take one to two days to assess whether the incident has affected the Pope’s general state of health.

  • Two suspected rapes in housing in Stockholm last night

    Two suspected rapes in housing in Stockholm last night

    During the night towards Saturday, a suspected rape occurred inside a home in southern Stockholm.

    “A suspect is arrested,” said police spokesman Carina Skagerlind.

    A number of people who have been in the home have been interrogated by police who also work with track securing at the scene.

    During the late Friday night, another suspected rape took place.

    According to the police, the crime has been committed in a dwelling that was rented out on a short -term basis and is currently used by women who are in prostitution.

    A man who came to the home during the night is said to have abused and raped a woman.

    The suspect has been able to be traced and arrested.

  • PKK exclaims a ceasefire

    PKK exclaims a ceasefire

    PKK exclaims a ceasefire with Turkey, according to AFP which refers to pro-Kurdish media.

    Earlier this week, PKK’s 75-year-old imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan invited the Kurdish terror-stamped organization to close down the weapons.

    Öcalan, who was founding the Movement in 1978, has been held isolated on a prison island outside Istanbul since 1999.

  • The flights stopped at Kastrup

    The flights stopped at Kastrup

    A car has driven into the fence to Copenhagen Airport Kastrup, reports Danish media.

    A large police operation is ongoing at the scene and a man has been arrested.

    The Copenhagen Police do not exclude more arrests.

    At 06.30, air traffic was reported to be up and running again.

  • Yellow warning for snow

    Yellow warning for snow

    SMHI has issued a yellow warning for strong winds and snowfall on the calf mountain in Jämtland and Härjedalen.

    The warning is valid from Sunday morning until 12 o’clock in the day.

    “Set the mountain tour if you are not properly mountain,” writes SMHI.

  • Car has driven into stairwells

    Car has driven into stairwells

    A car has driven into a stairwell in Högsbo in Gothenburg.

    The alarm came in at 03.33 during the night.

    – I can’t say exactly how serious the damage to the stairwell is, but the car is destroyed. You are in the process of recovering and cleaning up now, says Morten Gunneng, guard officer.

    It is unclear who drove the car and the police do not know how the accident has gone.

    – There have been a lot of people at the site and it has not been possible to find out who it is, so you work with it now. But it is a single accident and there are no personal injury, Morten Gunneng continues.

  • Several injured in Russian drone attack

    Several injured in Russian drone attack

    One person has been killed and another injured in Russian drone attacks against the Odessa region in southern Ukraine on Friday night, says governor Oleh Kiper.

    Several Ukrainian cities were attacked in the evening. In the big city of charks in northeastern Ukraine, seven people were injured by glass splits in conjunction with nine Russian drones defeating.

    During the night, the wing alarm has been announced in several regions in Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv.

  • Police warns: fraud in Stockholm

    Police warns: fraud in Stockholm

    During the day, the police received thirteen police reports where older persons were subjected to fraud or fraud attempts.

    According to police, most crimes follow the same pattern.

    “The fraudsters first call the plaintiff and say they represent a company,” the police write.

    The conversations are often about an invented invoice and that someone should come on a home visit to pick up a value object. In some cases, the fraudsters have claimed to police.

    “Call 112 immediately if you suspect someone has deceived you,” the police write.

  • Accident in Malmö – eight affected

    Accident in Malmö – eight affected

    Two cars have crashed on Norra Grängesbergsgatan in Malmö.

    According to early information from the police, eight people were traveling in the cars.

    The injury situation is unclear. At least one woman in her 30s has been allowed to go to the hospital, police say.

    Police, emergency services and ambulance have been alerted to the scene.

    Both the cars will need to be salvaged from the site.

  • Man pepper speck – hit the police and ran on

    Man pepper speck – hit the police and ran on

    When two men see a police patrol at Sundbyberg, the men try to run away from the police.

    When the police then catch one of the men, pepper spray is used. According to the police, the reason was to get him under control.

    But it did not work as thought for instead, the man beat a police officer and then ran on.

    Now the police are chasing the man with several resources. A helicopter has also been inserted into the search.

    The police who were beaten are not in need of health care.

  • Men in fight outside Arlanda

    Men in fight outside Arlanda

    Two men have been beaten outside Terminal 4 at Arlanda.

    According to the police, there are two drivers.

    Both the men accuse each other of abuse.

    The men are taken to hospital by ambulance.

  • Woman in a wheelchair robbed

    Woman in a wheelchair robbed

    A wheelchair -bound woman in Örebro was robbed when she was on her way home. An unknown person to her hit her in the face and then stole the woman’s bag. In it there was money that the woman had just taken out.

    The police describe the robbery as “unusually ugly” and are calling for witnesses.

  • Man squeezed to death under the tractor

    Man squeezed to death under the tractor

    A 75-year-old man is dead after being squeezed under a tractor in Stenungsund.

    There is no suspicion of crime. Relatives are informed.

  • The Pope has spit – the condition impaired

    Lights and flowers for the Pope. Photo: Alessandra Tarantino

    The Pope has spit – the condition impaired

    The Pope had an “isolated” crisis with his breathing in the hospital during the afternoon, the Vatican writes in a statement.

    During the morning, his condition deteriorated after he suffered some form of shortness of breath. According to the Vatican, it is bronchial stasia that the trachea were enlarged. This means that there is too much mucus in the trachea.

    The pope will be vomited several times since he will be vomited. The forecast is unchanged.

  • Two accidents in a short time in Landskrona

    Two accidents in a short time in Landskrona

    Just before 6 pm, police were alerted about an accident where a car with a trailer was involved at Rydebäck traffic.

    – According to information from the scene, there has been a thick fog, says Lina Friberg of the police. No person should be injured.

    Almost a quarter later, two cars collapsed on the E6 at the same traffic area. In total, seven people have traveled in the cars.

    – There is no information on injury situation yet. The road should be partially blocked, says Lina Friberg.

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    Full screen Photo: Emma-Sofia Olsson / Schibsted

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