Fusion with Kyurem – everything you need to know

At the Pokémon Go Tour: You will meet Kyurem. You can merge this with Reshiram or Zekrom and get the white or black kyurem. But there are a few things to consider.

The merger of Kyurem, Zekrom and Reshiram is one of the central features of the global oneall tour in Pokémon GO.

Since there are two different versions and also play things such as special backgrounds and special attacks, we summarize the most important points for you.


How do I get the black and white kyurem?

Collect fusion energy: In the Raids at the Go Tour, you will meet the merged shapes, the black and the white kyurem, but at the end of the raid you can only catch the normal kyurem. In addition, you get fusion energy in the Raids-in the black kyurem volt energy, in white kyurem fire energy. According to the current status, you can get up to 150 energies per raid – the faster you are, the more there is.

You need this Pokémon: For the black Kyurem you need kyurem and zekrom, for whites you need kyurem and reshiram.

What does the merger cost?

  • Black kyurem requires 1,000 volt energy, kyurem and zekrom, as well as 30 candies from Kyurem and 30 candies from Zekrom
  • White Kyurem requires 1,000 fire energies, Kyurem and Reshiram, as well as 30 Kyurem candies and 30 Reshiram candies
  • What values ​​does the merger get? According to the current status, the merged Kyurem takes over the values ​​and things like the Shiny status from the Kyurem, which you use for the merger. The Reshiram or Zekrom are unimportant in this regard. So use a strong kyurem.

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    Special attack at the merger – you have to consider that

    Black and white kyurem can each master a special attack.

  • The black kyurem can master frostvolt
  • The white kyurem can control frost breaks
  • These attacks also bring adventure effects that make it easier to catch Pokémon. You can read more about the adventure effects here.

    This is important: Your merged kyurem only gets its special attack if the kyurem used masters the attack “Ice Age” before the merger. You absolutely have to consider that. To influence this: By choosing the path to the one-all tour, you decide which Kyurem Raids bring you the attack.

    Special background to Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem

    All three Pokémon can have special backgrounds if you catch them on the tour from Raids.

  • Reshiram can have a Pokémon black background
  • Zekrom a Pokémon white background
  • Kyurem can get one of the two
  • If you merge the monsters, you can get a special background if you mix the background. Reshiram with black and background and kyurem with a white background, for example, or just zecrom with a white background and kyurem with a black and background.

    Beware of dissolving the merger – new fusion is expensive!

    You have to note that: The defusion of a merged kyurem costs nothing, but it again requires all resources that you used the first time. Since this is a damn amount of fusion energy, you should refrain from resolving a merger.

    In addition, the defusion currently seems to be that Kyurem suddenly no longer dominates “ice age”, but another attack. That is not good either. So avoid the defusion if possible.

    All content of the Go Tour: In addition to Kyurem, there are many other things this weekend. Among other things, there are rotating habitats, regional monsters in eggs, special research and many other features. Costumed Pikachu or various sesocitz are also on the way. Do you want an overview? We have them for you: Here are all the content of the go tour on day 1.
